
For your opinion, time used to be attentive,

لرأيك كانت الأزمان تصغي

1. For your opinion, time used to be attentive,
And for it, faith used to seek in the morning.

١. لِرَأْيِكَ كانَتِ الأَزْمَان تُصغِي
وَإِيَّاها غَدَا الإيمَانُ يَبْغِي

2. For you, fate was an ally and soldiers
To fulfill and erase what you want and cancel.

٢. لكَ الأقْدَارُ أنْصارٌ وَجُنْدٌ
عَلَى إِمضاء ما تَبْغِي وتُلْغِي

3. Don't you see that every supplicant's prayer
Is to erase what does not delay it or divert it?

٣. أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ دَعْوَة كُلِّ داع
لِنَسْخٍ لَيْسَ يُنْسِئُها وَنَسْغِ

4. And that the truth damnifies all else,
So it fulfills the mortgage of incorporation and damnification.

٤. وَأَنَّ الحَقَّ يَدْمَغُ ما سِوَاهُ
فَيُودِي رَهْنَ إِدْغَامٍ وَدَمْغِ

5. Your enemies, among nights of oppression
And the gluttony of adversaries and gluttony.

٥. عِدَاكَ مِنَ اللَّيالِي بَيْنَ ضَغْمٍ
بنَابِ النَّائِباتِ وبَيْنَ مَضْغِ

6. And if ignoring them has gone astray from them
And ignoring is seductive to fools.

٦. وَإن أَطْغَاهُمُ الإغْضَاءُ عَنْهُمْ
وَفِي الإغْضَاءِ لِلسُفَهاءِ مُطْغِي

7. So angels have pushed back their rejection
As devils for marriage or divorce.

٧. فَقَدْ ردَّ الملائِكُ في رَدَاهُمْ
شَياطِيناً لنَزْوٍ أوْ لنَزْغِ

8. And the heights have become in their blood
Passionate for a flood after a flood.

٨. وأَضْحَتْ في دِمَائِهم العَوالِي
لهَا وَلَعٌ بوَلْغٍ بَعْدَ وَلْغِ

9. Lions with the lions, though the lions among them
Are lacerated with a stab without a bite.

٩. أسَاوِدُ بَيْدَ أنَّ الأُسْدَ مِنْها
مُجَدَّلَة بِطَعْنٍ دُونَ لَدْغِ

10. If they disbelieved in fortune out of satisfaction
They were firmly attached to misery by piercing.

١٠. لَئِنْ كفَرُوا مِن الجَدْوى برَغْد
لَقَدْ نَشَبوا مِنَ البَلْوى برَدْغِ

11. Their sulking is for alienation or boredom,
And their perplexity is for splitting or splitting.

١١. كُبُودُهُمُ لنَفْرٍ أوْ لبَعْجٍ
وَهامُهُمُ لِفَلقٍ أو لِفَلْغِ

12. Had they clung to John without diving,
They would not have been uprooted altogether like gum extraction.

١٢. ولَوْ علِقُوا بِيَحْيَى دُونَ غَمْصٍ
لَما قُلِعُوا جَميعاً قَلْع صَمْغِ

13. So the arrogant persisted babbling,
And the grim persisted seeking.

١٣. فَأَقْصَرَ مُسْتَطيلٌ بَاتَ يَهْذِي
وأَقْهَرَ مُشْرَئِبّ ظَلَّ يَبْغِي

14. When God's horses approached, they fled
Wiping their bloody tears with dye.

١٤. لخَيْلِ اللَّهِ إذْ أقْبَلْنَ وَلَّى
خَضيبَ الدَّمعِ عَنْ دَمها بصَبْغِ

15. And in their sheaths a bellowing to whoever
You wanted even if he takes refuge in a crevice.

١٥. وفِي أَرْساغِها أرَنٌ إلَى مَنْ
طَلَبْتَ بِها ولَوْ يَأْوِي لِسَرْغِ

16. A greeting, a sunrise of victory has arrived
With an incomparable raising and lifting.

١٦. هَنِيئاً مَطلَعٌ لِلنَّصْرِ وافَى
بِرَفعٍ لا كَفاءَ لَهُ وَرَفْغِ

17. So you have relented for every stubborn tyrant.
We shall retaliate against them all and drain them.

١٧. فَرَغتَ لكلِّ جَبَّار عَنِيد
فَمِنْ هَدرٍ نَجِيعُهُم وفَرْغِ

18. You have achieved wishes in the enemies.
So your path is nothing but communication.

١٨. وَبُلِّغْتَ الأَمَانِي في الأَعادِي
فَمَا يَغْدو سَبيلُكَ غَيْرَ بَلغِ

19. Victory was absent so love would increase
And it gave good tidings while time was listening

١٩. أَغَبَّ الفَتْحُ كَيْ يَزْدَادَ حُبّاً
وَهَبَّ مُبَشِّراً والدَّهْرُ مُصغِي

20. Like holding back rain for long pouring,
And flooding the eloquent for excessive talent.

٢٠. كَإمْساكِ السَّحابِ لطُول سَحٍّ
وَإِجْبَالِ البَليغِ لِفَرْطِ نَبْغِ

21. And without you, praise not for kindness,
That fondles with lineage or cheek.

٢١. وَدُونَكه مَديحاً لا لِعِطْفٍ
تَعَرَّضَ بالنَّسيبِ وَلا لِصَدْغِ

22. You were given the first homes being initiated
As your conquests, those with leisure.

٢٢. سُقِيتَ حَيَا المَنَازِلِ مُسْتَهِلاً
كَطَعْنَتِكَ المُنازِل ذَاتَ فَرْغِ