
My eyes overflow with tears of longing

كرت سوافح عبرتي أشجاني

1. My eyes overflow with tears of longing
for my heart is filled with sorrows untold

١. كَرَّتْ سَوافِحُ عَبْرَتِي أَشْجَانِي
فنُضُوبُ طَرْفِي لامْتِلاء جَنَانِي

2. How strange that what betrays my love
is what innocence would withhold

٢. وَمِن العَجائِبِ أن يَدُلَّ علَى الهَوى
مَا يُسْتَدَلُّ بِهِ عَلَى السُّلْوَانِ

3. In love, truth is reversed, well-known
to see the black, faults of does disown

٣. عَكْسَ الحَقائِق في الهَوى مُتَعَارَفٌ
فَتَرَى الأُسُودَ قَنَائِصَ الغِزْلانِ

4. And when I looked, I found none stronger
in claiming the forbidden, than one downcast in sight

٤. ولَقَدْ نَظَرْتُ فَلَمْ أَجِدْ أقْوَى عَلَى
غَصْبِ النُّهَى مِنْ فَاتِرِ الأجْفَانِ

5. O she who is fickle in keeping her word
is your loyalty in promises slight?

٥. يا مَنْ لَها خُلْفُ المَوَاعِدِ عَادَةٌ
أمِنَ الوَفاءِ سُطاكَ بِالهَيْمَانِ

6. You've followed my estrangement with coldness
while my body is soft like your form

٦. أَرْدَفْتِ في هَجْرِي كَرِدْفِكِ غِلْظَةً
وشَبِيهُ خِصْرِكَ رِقَّةً جُثْمَانِي

7. By God, speak! Daughter of the departed
what is this punishment, and my crime?

٧. باللَّهِ قُولِي يَا ابْنَةَ الأَقْيال مَا
هَذَا العِقابُ وَمَا أنَا بِالجَانِي

8. Why not show some pleasure allowed
goodness expects only what's kind

٨. هَلا أَبَحْتِ مِنَ الرِّضَى مَمْنُوعَه
إنَّ الحِسَانَ مظنَّةُ الإحْسَانِ

9. Your love for me is secret to all but you
a free man keeps his passions confined

٩. أمّا هَوَاكِ فَعَنْ سِوَاك مُكَتَّمٌ
والسِّرُّ عِنْدَ الحُرِّ فِي كِتْمَانِ

10. Think not I'm tempted by a mere delight
I'm not one to be led astray in mind

١٠. لا تَحْسَبِي أنِّي جَنَحْتُ لِسَلْوَةٍ
أنَّي وَما بِي جَلَّ عَنْ حُسْبَانِ

11. My reins are in your hands but my hands
have gained that they hold my reins

١١. هَذا عِنانِي في يدَيْكِ وإنَّما
فازَتْ يَدَايَ بأَنْ مَلَكْتِ عنَانِي

12. By my father whose cheeks and jasmine
like partridge roses sweetly combine

١٢. بِأبِي التِي قَرَنَتْ مَحاسِنُ خدِّهَا
باليَاسَمِينِ شَقَائِقَ النُّعْمَانِ

13. Smiling with teeth like pearls
embedded in the finest coral line

١٣. وَتَبَسَّمَتْ عَن وَاِضحاتِ لآلِئٍ
مَغْرُوزَةٍ في فَائِقِ المَرْجانِ

14. Though she glances coquettishly like a narcissus
she captivates with fingers soft and fine

١٤. ولَئِنْ رَنَتْ بِلَوَاحِظٍ من نَرْجسٍ
فَلَقَدْ عَطَتْ بأَنَامِلِ السُّوسانِ

15. None reproach her but the harshness of her heart
which is pliant as the boughs of banana

١٥. ما عابَها إِلا قَسَاوَةُ قَلْبهَا
مَعَ أَنَّهَا لِيناً كغُصْنِ البَانِ

16. If her kohl-rimmed eyes were white
horsemen would spur their steeds to vie

١٦. لَوْ أنَّ سُودَ جُفونِها بِيضٌ إذَنْ
زَحَفَتْ بِهَا الفُرْسَانُ لِلْفُرْسانِ

17. She proceeded to capture me, and how strange
to punish the one made crazed by her eyes

١٧. عَمِدَتْ إِلى أَخْذِي ويا عَجَباً لها
أَيُؤَاخَذُ المَفْتُونُ بالفَتَّانِ

18. She ignores the certainty of my passion
turning to blamers, denying my cries

١٨. لَجَّتْ فَتُعْرِضُ عن يَقينِ صَبابَتي
لِلعاذِلاتِ يَجِئْنَ بالبُهْتَانِ

19. While her messenger at times is received
I'm left to suffer in lonely demise

١٩. ولَرُبَّما حَظِيَ الرَّسولُ بِوَصْلِها
ولِقائِها وحَظِيتُ بالحِرْمانِ

20. In her beauty and my love we are equal
by God, none other can compare, her equal am I

٢٠. أنَا في هَواها مِثلُها في حُسنِها
تاللَّهِ ما لي فِي العلاقَةِ ثانِي

21. When multitudes profess their love to her
I'm the first, though in times gone by

٢١. فَإِذا تُعَدِّد عذْرَةٌ عُشَّاقَها
كُنْتُ المُقَدَّمَ في أخيرِ زَمَانِ

22. Don't gloat if I'm humbled by her glory
love of the beautiful is cause for self-deny

٢٢. لا تَشْمَتُوا بِيَ إنْ ذَلَلْتُ لِعِزِّها
فَهَوى الغَواني أَصْلُ كُلِّ هَوانِ

23. Yet I put kings to shame in that I
for the beloved, am a slave till I die

٢٣. ولَقَد أتِيهُ عَلى المُلوكِ بأَنَّنِي
لِلْمُرْتَضَى يَحْيَى مِنَ العِبْدانِ