1. My interpretation of love was not betrayed
By this beauty who interprets to me
١. لم يَخُنْ في الحبِّ تَأويلِي
هذِهِ الحَسناءُ تَأْوِي لِي
2. She saw my patience with my ordeal
Between oppression and tyranny
٢. أبْصَرَتْ صَبْري علَى كلَفي
بَيْنَ تَنْكِيبٍ وَتَنْكيلِ
3. And she realized I cannot be warded off
By prolonged torment and anguish
٣. وَدَرَتْ أنْ لَيْسَ يَدْرَأُ بِي
طُولُ تَعْذيبٍ وَتَعْذيلِ
4. So she stopped and the eyelids stopped blood
When glorifying and imploring
٤. فَكَفَتْ وَكفَ الجُفون دَماً
حالَ تَسْبيحٍ وَتَسْبيلِ
5. And she healed what healed me, and behold
My bedding is difficult for my comfort
٥. وَشَفَتْ مَا شَفَّني فَإذَا
صَعْبُ تَسْهِيدي لِتَسْهِيلِي
6. A spark shone with its subtlety
After disappointment and imagining
٦. مِقَةٌ جادَتْ بِرِقّتِها
بَعْدَ تَخْييب وَتَخْييلِ
7. No care for the blamer
When she gives me preference over others
٧. لا مُبَالاةٌ بِعاذِلَة
حينَ تُفْضِي لِي بِتَفْضيلِي
8. Nothing distracted me but her rising
Without procrastination and trickery
٨. لَم يَرُعْنِي غَيْرُ مَطْلَعِها
دونَ تَسْويفٍ وتَسْويلِ
9. In gentle ones belonging to me
Of chaste faith for the evidence
٩. في لِداتٍ يَنْتَمِينَ عَلى
عِفّة في الدّين للدِّيلِ
10. Like the sands' maidens walking
Every scent with adornment
١٠. كَجَوارِي الرَّمْلِ جَارِيَة
كُلُّ تَعطير بِتَعْطيلِ
11. They in complaining of passion why
With me other than the traces of encampments
١١. هُنَّ في شَكوَى الغَرَامِ لِمَا
بي خَلا خِيم الخَلاخِيلِ
12. She necessitated following desire, so she stopped
My opinion with intimidation
١٢. أوْجَبَت رَعْيَ الهَوَى فَقَفَتْ
رَأيَ تَخويفي بِتَخْويلِي
13. And fulfilled my waiting period with her union
Between preparing and facilitating
١٣. وَقَضَتْ مِنْ وَصْلِها عِدَتي
بَيْنَ تَمهيدٍ وَتَسْهيلِ
14. Reciting what I composed, I recite it to her
With her I have no rivals
١٤. تِلوَ مَا أنْشَأتُ أَنْشِدُهَا
مَن بِهَا لِي مِنْ بَهاليلِ
15. What sign of beauty has she become
The sum of my arrangement and travel
١٥. أيُّ آيٍ لِلْجَمَالِ غَدَتْ
جُلَّ تَرتيبِي وتَرحيلِي
16. What is passion so beware its aggression
Other than welcoming and farewell
١٦. ما الهَوى فَاحْذَرْ إغارَته
غَيْرُ تَرْحيبٍ وَتَرْحيلِ
17. Its family for separation it brings together
Between notification and qualification
١٧. أَهْلُهُ لِلبَيْنِ يُتْلِفُهُمْ
بَيْنَ تَأْهيبٍ وتأهيلِ
18. Leave the methods of lineage and take
In the legends of legends
١٨. دَعْ أَساليبَ النَّسيبِ وَخُذْ
في أَساطيرِ الأَساطِيلِ
19. Sisters of horses swimming
Of adornment and ornament
١٩. أخَواتُ الخَيْلِ سَابِحَةً
ذَاتُ تَزْيين وَتَزْييلِ
20. And daughters of water hunting
Like crawling snakes
٢٠. وَبَنَاتُ الماءِ صَائِلَةً
كالأفَاعِيِّ الأَفاعيلِ
21. She raised the salty bitter so what
You want of resolve and determination
٢١. علتِ المِلْحَ الأُجاجَ فَما
شِئْتَ مِنْ تَشْمير وَتَشْمِيلِ
22. The non-Arabs still render it obscure
The fold of inability and haste
٢٢. لا تَزَالُ العُجْمُ تَعْجُمُها
طَيَّ تَعْجيزٍ وَتَعْجيلِ
23. And you find from her limbs
Freedom of leaping and lengthening
٢٣. وَتُلاقِي مِنْ بَوارِحِها
بَرْحَ تَطْويحٍ وتَطْويلِ
24. She circled exalted with them
The evil of rising and analysis
٢٤. حَلَّقَتْ مُحْتَلَّةً بِهِمُ
شَرَّ تَحليقٍ وتَحْليلِ
25. The rise of the ferocity of war made them vile
Every concealment and enablement
٢٥. وَسَلتْ بَحْرَ المَجازِ بِما
طَرِبَتْ كالنِّيب للسيلِ
26. What they imagined failed so they did not stop
People of disappointment and imagining
٢٦. عَزمُها والرّوم بالعُدْوَى
بَيْنَ تَجديدٍ وتَجديلِ
27. If they were given the Quran, they would not
Resolve from the nation of the Gospel
٢٧. هامَهُم أبْقَتْ وَحَدَّهُمُ
رَهْنَ تَفْليقٍ وتَضْليلِ
28. For the created maidens for them
Flow of choosing and testing
٢٨. لَم تَدَعْ يَوْماً أعادِيَها
دونَ تَعْقِيرٍ وَتَعقيلِ
29. She originated from a victorious group
After decrease and killing
٢٩. مُذْ رَمَتْهُم قَدْ رَمَتْ بِهِمُ
وَسْطَ سجِّينٍ بِسِجِيلِ
30. So they are from glory and guidance
Absence of humiliation and confusion
٣٠. سَاوَرَتْهُم فَاغْتَدَوْا مَثَلاً
سُؤْرَ تَنْفِيرٍ وَتَنْفيلِ
31. The extension of the shade of security increased them
After decrease and scarcity
٣١. نَهْضُ عَضِّ البَأْس بَزَّهُمُ
كُلَّ تَمْوِيه وَتَمويلِ
32. In the cause of God her swimming
Under emphasis and entrusting
٣٢. خَابَ ما خَالُوا فَلا بَرِحوا
أَهْل تَخْييبٍ وتَخْييلِ
33. She created John, his creation
Beauty of influence and interpretation
٣٣. ما أُولُوا القُرْآن إنْ صَدَقُوا
عَزْمَهُم مِن جِيلِ إنْجِيلِ
34. And on his management she depended
In the futilities of allegations
٣٤. بِالجَوارِي المُنْشَآتِ لَهُمْ
جَرْيُ تَبْتِيرٍ وَتَبْتيلِ
35. She deferred what she provoked for them
Any provocation and delay
٣٥. صَدَرَتْ عَنْ مَعْشَرٍ نُصِرَتْ
إثْرَ تَقْتيرٍ وتَقتيلِ
36. And she folded, folding with what she did
Truth of habit and reliance
٣٦. فَهُمُ مِنْ عِزَّةٍ وهُدىً
غِبّ تَذْلِيلٍ وتَضْلِيلِ
37. A king surpassing kings extensively
Towards praise and undertaking
٣٧. مَدُّ ظِلِّ الأَمْنِ كَثَّرَهُمْ
بَعْدَ تَقْليصٍ وتَقليلِ
38. So they fell behind and he excelled over them
Excess of endearment and achievement
٣٨. فِي سَبيلِ اللَّهِ مَسْبَحُها
تَحْتَ تَوْكِيدٍ وتَوْكيلِ
39. His supreme hand and hearing
Harmony of reconciling and explaining
٣٩. خَالَقَت يَحْيى خَليقَتُهُ
حُسْنَ تَأثِير وَتأثِيلِ
40. It dispelled astrology, he was fortunate
Matter of enumeration and adjustment
٤٠. وَعَلى تَدْبيرِه اعْتَمَدَتْ
في أبابيلِ الأباطيلِ
41. Or how is the world by his empire
Full of assurance and expectation
٤١. أَجَّلَت ما أجّجَت لَهُمُ
أَيَّ تَأْجِيجٍ وَتَأْجِيلِ
42. It was perfected when it was perfected in generosity
Much of hiding for perfection
٤٢. وانْثَنَتْ تَثْنِي بِمَا صَنَعَتْ
صِدْقَ تَعْويدٍ وَتَعْويلِ
43. From an enemy in its rolling
Enough elevation and sublimation
٤٣. مَلِكٌ فاتَ المُلوكَ مَدىً
نَحْوَ تَحْميدٍ وَتَحْميلِ
44. He charged the Most High and crowned it
Best of imposition and crowning
٤٤. فَرَّطُوا وَامْتَازَ دُونَهُمُ
فَرْطَ تَحْسينٍ وَتَحْصِيلِ
45. So he is of nobility and knowledge
Lord of education and reasoning
٤٥. يَدُهُ الطّولَى وَمَسْمَعُهُ
إلْفُ تَأليفٍ وَتَألِيلِ
46. He has refrained from praise that glorifies him
Reciting downgrade and dishonor
٤٦. كَفَتِ التَّنْجِيمَ أسْعُدُهُ
أمْرَ تَعْديدٍ وَتَعْديلِ
47. Where is the eulogy to describe him
Description of reverence and revelation
٤٧. أَو مَا الدّنْيَا بدَوْلَتِهِ
مِلْءُ تَأمِينٍ وَتَأمِيلِ
48. He remains a full moon and sea of bounty
Between enlightenment and bestowal
٤٨. كُمِّنَتْ إِذْ كُمِّلَتْ كَرَماً
رُبَّ تَكْمِينٍ لِتَكْميلِ
٤٩. مِنْ عَدِيٍّ في ذُؤَابَتِهَا
حَسْبَ تَرْفيعٍ وَتَرْفيلِ
٥٠. كَلَّفَ العَلْيَا وَكَلَّلَهَا
خَيْرَ تَكْلِيفٍ وَتَكْلِيلِ
٥١. فَهْوَ مِنْ عُرْفٍ وَمَعْرِفَةٍ
رَبُّ تَعْليمٍ وَتَعْلِيلِ
٥٢. جَلَّ عَنْ مَدْحٍ يُجَلِّلُه
تِلْوَ تَنْخيبٍ وَتَنْخِيلِ
٥٣. أيْنَ مِنْ وَصْفِ القَريضِ لَهُ
وَصْفُ تَنْزِيهٍ وَتَنْزِيلِ
٥٤. لا يَزَلْ بَدْراً وَبَحْرَ نَدىً
بَيْنَ تَنْوِيرٍ وَتَنْوِيلِ