
From every clinking of the blades as if it were

من كل رقراق الفرند كأنه

1. From every clinking of the blades as if it were
A prohibition when unsheathed and bared

١. مِن كلّ رَقْراق الفِرَنْد كأنَّه
نِهْيٌ إذا ما الغمدُ عنهُ جُرِّدا

2. And a cultivated one, smooth of edge, its imagination
Rips through both flanks when unrolled

٢. وَمُثَقَّفٍ ذَلِقِ السِّنانِ تَخَالُه
في السّرْدِ يَخْرُقُ جَانِبيهِ مُسرِّدا

3. It divided the tyrants who rebelled
And assumed control of the citadel of strife in rebellion

٣. قَسَمَ الجَبَابِرَةَ الذينَ تَمَرّدوا
وتَسنَّمُوا صَرْحَ الشقاق مُمَرَّدا

4. Where is the son of Ghania and where is his singing
There is no atheist left except made atheistic

٤. أين ابْنُ غَانِيَةٍ وأيْنَ غَنَاؤُه
لا مُلحِدٌ إلا وأصْبَحَ مُلْحَدا

5. And the dialogues of Zughba of Zughb narrated
And the winds of the sons of winds grew still

٥. وحَكت أَجَادِلُ زُغبة زُغْبَ القَطا
وَغَدَتْ رياحُ بني رياحٍ رُكَّدا

6. A blossom whose virtues refused to meet him
Except promising or promised

٦. زُهْرٌ مَناقِبُهُ أبَتْ عَلْيَاهُ أن
تَلْقَاه إلا واعداً أوْ مُوعِدا

7. I was not pleased except with the stars as dwellings
When the happiness that reached me reached

٧. لَمْ أرْضَ إلا بالنجومِ مَنَازِلاً
لَمّا حَدا بِيَ للسّعَادَة مَا حَدا

8. I traveled to Him seeking the most high
That I may be in His sight a slave, a lord

٨. إني رَحَلْتُ إليهِ في طَلَبِ العُلى
لأكونَ عَبْداً في ذرَاه سَيِّدا

9. And I transmitted every strange narrative with its links
So listen as I relate to you the sound and supported

٩. وَرَوَيْتُ كُلّ غريبَةٍ بسنادِهِ
فَاسْمَعْ أحدّثْك الصحِيحَ المُسْندا

10. The fullness of purpose, vitality and sweetness
The seekers of purpose find its chastity and watering place

١٠. مِلْءَ المُرْادِ نَضارةً وعُذوبةً
يَجِدُ المُرادَ عُفاتُهُ والمَوْرِدا

11. My good tidings for hosting in the abode which
Spun with the glory of its command to eternity

١١. بُشْرَايَ لِلإحْضارِ بالدّارِ التي
دارَتْ بعِزة أمْرِها حتّى الرّدى

12. It is the epitome beyond which there is no
Period so that hope can brace itself without end

١٢. هيَ غايَةُ الشّرف التي ما بَعْدَها
أمَدٌ فَيَصْمِدُهُ الرّجاءُ ولا مَدى

13. O One whose benevolence is manifold
Stay for the subjects, unique among kings

١٣. يا واحِداً إِحْسانُهُ مُتَعَدِّدٌ
دُمْ للرّعايا في المُلوكِ الأوْحَدا

14. And connect the glories and gifts rightly guided
In what you encompass, misguided and guided

١٤. وَصل المآدِبَ والمَواهِبَ راشِداً
فيما تعُمُّ بِه لُهاك ومُرْشِدا

15. And entrust to your noble sons the sublime hunt
They lengthened glory when their birth was auspicious

١٥. واعْهدْ إلى أبنائِك الصِّيد الألَى
طالوا سَناء حينَ طابوا مَوْلِدا

16. This Algiers has secured its borders
With Mubarak, executing matters effectively

١٦. هذِي بِجايَةُ قَد سَدَدت ثُغورَها
بِمُبَارَكٍ يُمْضي الأمور مُسِدّدا

17. Like rain a palm if it rains, like a lion a heart if it protects
Like the full moon a face if it appears

١٧. كالغَيْثِ كَفّاً إن حَبا كالليثِ قَلْ
باً إِن حَمَى كالبدْرِ وَجْهاً إن بَدا

18. So convey to his brothers the hyperboles
Through them, and for the kingdom the pillars

١٨. فَابْلُغْ بإخْوَتِه المَبَالِغَ مُنْجِباً
بِهِمُ وللمُلكِ المواطنَ مُنْجِدا

19. And specify Muhammad the Prince with a princedom
Through which he ascends above the stars an elevator

١٩. وَاخصص مُحمّداً الأميرَ بِإِمْرَةٍ
يَرْقى بها فوْقَ الكَواكبِ مُصْعِدا

20. He adorned his brothers and they adorned guidance
As if he were the refrain of the ode, refined

٢٠. هُو زانَ إِخوَتَه وَهم زانوا الهُدى
فكأنه بَيْتُ القَصيدِ مُجَوَّدا

21. The center of their necklace, and flower of their meadow
And most deserving of my immense love and adornment

٢١. وُسْطى قِلادَتِهمْ وزهرةُ رَوْضِهم
وأحَقُّ منْ حُبِي الجَسيم وقُلِّدا

22. And appoint for my Prince Muhammad
A pact through which the Prophet Muhammad is pleased

٢٢. واعْقدْ لِمَولايَ الأميرِ مُحَمّد
عَهْداً به تُرضِي النّبِيَّ مُحَمّدا

23. And immortalize the one responsible for the times and its people
Secretly and openly, to last and immortalize

٢٣. واخْلُد فَمَسؤُولُ الزّمانِ وأهلِهِ
سِرّاً وجَهْراً أن تَدُوم وتَخْلُدا