
Look at the fleecy clouds above Capricornus

انظر إلى الدبران فوق المشتري

1. Look at the fleecy clouds above Capricornus
Their tops are gathered and their bottoms spread

١. اُنْظُر إِلَى الدَّبَرانِ فَوْقَ المُشْتَرِي
قَدْ ضُمَّ أَعْلاهُ وَفُتِّح أَسْفَلُه

2. As though the dawn sun's heat made them recoil
And cast its shade to shelter them beneath

٢. فَكَأَنَّهُ قَدْ هَابَ مِنْ شَمْسِ الضُّحَى
لَفْحاً فَأَلقَاهُ عَلَيْهِ يُظَلِّلُه