1. You chose the Caliph's appointed successor for the covenant,
So you watered the expanses of al-Basitah like a covenant.
١. تَخَيْرتَ مُخْتَارَ الخَلِيفَة لِلْعَهدِ
فَرَوّيْتَ أَمَحال البَسِيطَةِ كالعهْدِ
2. And you gave respite to the people of the contract and oath during the period
In which the most glorious system was assumed.
٢. وأَسْعَفتَ أَهل العَقْد والحلِّ في التي
تَقَلّدَها أبْهَى نِظَاماً مِن العِقْدِ
3. Commending those whose hearts beat with allegiance,
Sufficient for every obstinate transgressor.
٣. مُشيداً بِمَن في الخافِقين لبَيْعةٍ
كَفَتْ كُلّ مُشتَطٍّ من الَبغْي مُشتَدِّ
4. And relying on the support of the governors against aggression,
With reliance on the most noble and generous supporter.
٤. ومُعْتَمِدا نصْر الوُلاة عَلى العِدَى
بِمُعْتَمِدٍ في باذِخِ الشّرَفِ العِدِّ
5. So between an answerer facilitating and enabler
Appointing a ruler of guidance and righteousness.
٥. فبَيْنَ مُجِيبٍ يُمْنَها وموَجِّبٍ
ولايةَ مُستَوْلٍ على الهَدْي والرُّشْدِ
6. And in Rajab when they congratulated its convention,
So that the individual month would congratulate the individual.
٦. وَفي رَجَبٍ ما هُنِّئوا بانْعِقادِها
لِيَهْنِئهَا فَرْدُ الشهورِ إلى فَرْدِ
7. You postponed what they wished out of wisdom that decreed,
With its solidification in the middle of the holy months.
٧. فَأَرْجَأتَ ما رجَّوْهُ عَن حِكمَةٍ قضَتْ
بِإِحكامِها في أوْسَطِ الحُرُمِ السَّرْدِ
8. And at the sun's entry into Aries, the beginning ended
With your blessing the moon of good fortune.
٨. وعندَ حُلولِ الشمسِ بِالحَملِ انتَهى
بِإسْعادِك الإبْدارُ لِلْقَمَرِ السّعْدِ
9. You did not appoint him out of affection,
But for love of winning in the Garden of Eternity.
٩. وَمَا عَنْ مُحابَاةٍ عَهدْتَ بِنَصْبِه
ولَكِن لحبّ الفَوْزِ في جَنّةِ الخُلْدِ
10. By the life of guidance, the nation of guidance did not agree
Upon other than Mahdi, the guide of guides in the cradle.
١٠. لَعمْرُ الهُدى ما أجمَعَتْ أُمَّةُ الهُدى
عَلى غَيرِ مَهديِّ المَرَاشِدِ في المَهْدِ
11. And it only gained prominence with the most prominent establisher
For his overflowing aid over the expanses and heights.
١١. ولا استَظهَرَت إِلا بِأَظْهَر قَائِم
لنجدتِهِ فيضٌ عَلى الغَورِ والنجدِ
12. It reached the utmost extent of victory and support,
Soaring with its hopes, reaching the highest aspiration.
١٢. سَمَا بِأمانِيها سُمُواً بها انْتَهى
إلى الغايَةِ القُصْوى مِن النَصْرِ والعَضدِ
13. Whenever its red banner promises confronting the enemy,
Convulsion seizes the platforms of the pulpits.
١٣. فإن وُعدَتْ قِدْماً مُنَاجَزَةَ العِدى
فَرايَتُهُ الحَمْراءُ مُنْجِزَة الوَعدِ
14. And the banners of the religion of truth gain more honor,
With the state whose past is the future of seriousness.
١٤. تَمَلّكُ أعْطافُ المَنابِرِ هزّةٌ
كَما هَفَت الأرْواحُ بالقُضُبِ المُلدِ
15. To the origin from Adnan his glory is attributed,
And it is no wonder that swords are attributed to India.
١٥. وأعْلامُ دِين الحَقِّ تَزدادُ عِزَّةً
بِدَوْلَةِ ماضِي الحَدّ مُسْتَقبَل الجَدِّ
16. He is the chosen and selected one, his dwellings
Have pledged support for Allah, and fervor.
١٦. إلَى الأصلِ من عدنان يُعزَى عَدِيُّه
وَلا غَرْوَ أنْ تُعْزَى الصّوارِم للهِنْدِ
17. When the clouds of his knowledge set out
And attained him, they carved out ignorance and vain effort.
١٧. هُوَ المُرْتَضَى والمُنتَضَى قَد تَكَفَّلَتْ
مضارِبُهُ بالعَضْدِ في اللّهِ والخَضْدِ
18. The majesty of his loftiness makes kings bow down
Silently even if their tongues were most eloquent.
١٨. إِذا اتّجَهَت صَوباً سَحائِبُ عِلْمِه
ونائِلِهِ أنْحَتْ عَلَى الجَهْلِ والجَهْدِ
19. And he overcomes polytheism so his might reaches
The monotheists closely and remotely.
١٩. تَحُجُّ مَعالِيهِ المُلوكُ فَتَنْثَنِي
صُمُوتاً وَإن كانَت أُلِي أَلْسُنٍ لُدِّ
20. It is as if I see the worshipers of the Messiah humiliated before his glory,
And their leader led in the humility of a slave.
٢٠. ويَقْضِي عَلى التّثليثِ فَيصَلُ بَأسِه
لِطائِفَةِ التّوْحيدِ في القُرْبِ والبُعْدِ
21. But after the stirring of its fire with the pouring of molten iron,
The green regiment plunges to take vengeance on them.
٢١. كَأَني بِعُبَّادِ المَسيحِ لِعِزِّهِ
وَسَيِّدُهم يُقْتَادُ فِي ذِلَّة العَبْدِ
22. And under the banner of victory a ferocious lion
Who craves the roses of death like an ardent lion.
٢٢. ولَكِنْ عَلَى أعْقَابِ هَيْجاءَ نَارُها
بماءِ الحَديدِ السَّكْبِ مُضْرَمَةُ الوَقْدِ
23. He appeared bare except for edges too delicate
To have thick skins in the coarseness of war.
٢٣. تَخُوضُ لنيْلِ الثّأر فيهِم خُضَارَةً
كَتيبَتُهُ الخَضْراءُ غُلْباً عَلى جُرْدِ
24. So he burdens the swarthy in the darkness of the fray,
And turns to the Indian in the redness of the cheek.
٢٤. وتَحْتَ لِواء النّصْر لَيْث غَشَمْشَمٌ
يَهيمُ بِوَرد المَوت كَالأسَد الوَرْدِ
25. Among the people are those who confront the enemies with firmness,
They are the army of Allah, what an excellent army!
٢٥. بَدا فجَفَا إِلا حَواشِيَ لَمْ يَكُن
لِرِقَّتِها في غِلْظَةِ الحَرْبِ من بُدِّ
26. News of the near conquest, its narrators
Are protected in transmission from the blemish of criticism.
٢٦. فَيكلف بالخَطِّيِّ في سُمرة اللمَى
ويَصْبو إلى الهنْدِيِّ في حُمرَةِ الخَدِّ
27. Congratulations to Yahya that he in Muhammad
Sought the care of the caliphate with determination.
٢٧. مِن القَوْمِ يَلْقَوْنَ العُداةَ بِوَقْسِها
أولئِكَ جُنْدُ اللّهِ يَا لكَ مِن جُنْدِ
28. And he built with resolved intent foundations
On pillars of justice that stand on pillars.
٢٨. حَديثٌ مِن الفَتحِ القَريبِ رُواتُه
مُنَزَّهَةٌ في النقلِ من وَصْمَةِ النَّقدِ
29. An imam who showed us from the leadership of his son
The death of an obstinate one, and the death of a prepared one.
٢٩. هَنِيئاً ليَحْيَى أنَّه بِمُحَمَّدٍ
توخَّى أَوَاخِيَّ الخِلافَةِ بالشَّدِّ
30. The stars of nightfall are amazed at his brilliance,
And his subjects are pardoned from stupor.
٣٠. وَشادَ بِحَيْثُ النيّراتُ بِنَاءَها
عَلى عَمَدٍ للعدْلِ قامَتْ عَلى عَمْدِ
31. He has an epic Hashemite history, its contents
Being only the splendor of praise, adorned with thanks.
٣١. إِمامٌ أَرانا مِن إمَامةِ نَجْلهِ
مَنِيّةَ مُستَعصٍ ومُنْيةَ مُسْتَعْدِ
32. Whenever he wills a matter, kings are before him
To accomplish it before angels in zeal.
٣٢. نُجومُ الدُّجَى من سُهْدهِ في تعجُّب
وإنَّ رَعَايَاه لَيُعْفَونَ منْ سُهْدِ
33. His enemies are for killing or capture in captivity,
Either bound or pierced through with spears.
٣٣. لَهُ سِيرٌ حَفْصِيَّةٌ ما اشْتمالُها
سِوى سِيراء المَدْحِ تُونَق بالحَمْدِ
34. He brought destruction upon Qays and their possessions,
With no defense against events for them.
٣٤. متَى رَامَ أمراً فالمُلوكُ أمامَه
لإنْجازه قَبْلَ المَلائكِ في حَفْدِ
35. By Allah, neither East nor West of the lands
Are for his dominion except gifts for one seeking guidance.
٣٥. عِدَاه لِقَتْلٍ أو لأسْرٍ بِأسرِها
فَإمّا إلى قَيْدٍ وإمّا إلى قدِّ
36. Take another look at his achievements,
You will find them, by truth, lacking any peer.
٣٦. أدارَ عَلى قَيْسٍ وأمْلاكِها الرّدى
فلَم يَكُ عَنهُم لِلكَوائِنِ مِن رَدِّ
37. He invaded them, and when his contentment was incomplete
With a magnanimous breast that heals breasts, and a gentle hand.
٣٧. وتاللّهِ ما شَرْقُ البلادِ وغَرْبُها
لِسُلْطانِهِ إِلا هَدايا لِمُستَهْدِ
38. I held back my hands from them,
His eminence at the highest pinnacle of the towering and firm mountain.
٣٨. أعِدْ نَظَراً فيما له من وقائِعٍ
تجِدْها بِحُكم الجدِّ مُعوزَةَ العَدِّ
39. So they saw there is no eternity to their kingdom,
Even if they became blind to insight like immortals.
٣٩. غَزَتْهُمْ ولَمّا يَسْتَقِلّ سُعودهُ
فَمِنْ صَدرٍ يشْفي الصُّدورَ ومِن وَرْدِ
40. And from the loss of their latter generations other than scattered dust,
It was certain it would collapse when his army collapsed.
٤٠. وَكُفْت لِفيه واليَدَيْنِ عليهِم
ظُباهُ بِأعلى ذِرْوَة الشامخ الصَّلْدِ
41. Or did the Umayyads ever possess guided leadership
After Marwan and his coarse hair?
٤١. فقَد أبْصَروا أَلا خُلُودَ لِمُلْكِهِم
وَإن أصْبَحوا عُميَ البصائرِ كالخُلدِ
42. Allah irrigated one entrusted to Him and faithful
To the measure of the caliphate and the covenant.
٤٢. وبِالغرْبِ من أعقابِهم غيرُ غُبَّرٍ
تَيَقَّنَّ أنْ تَردْى إِذا جيْشهُ يُرْدِي
43. And eternalized for the life of this world and religion two imams
In piety, two girdles of glory.
٤٣. وهَلْ ملكتْ للأمرِ والنَّهْي مِقودَاً
أمَيّةُ يَوماً بعد مرْوانِها الجَعْدِ
٤٤. سَقى اللّه مَعْهوداً إلَيْهِ وعاهِداً
كِفاءً لِمقدارِ الخِلافةِ والعَهْدِ
٤٥. وخُلِّد للدنيا وللدّينِ منهُما
إمامَيْنِ في التقوَى نِطاقَيْنِ للمَجْدِ