
The tolerant pardoned him for wandering,

ضن السماح عليه بالترحال

1. The tolerant pardoned him for wandering,
And kindness improved his condition.

١. ضَنّ السَّمَاحُ عَلَيْه بِالتَّرحالِ
وأفَادَهُ الإحْسَانُ حُسْنَ الحَالِ

2. So he built his resolves upon ruining them,
And folded back his mounts from galloping.

٢. فَبَنَى عَزَائِمَهُ على تَقْويضِها
وَثَنَى رَكَائِبَهُ عن الإرقَالِ

3. With the caliphate's good fortune he was blessed,
Generous upon it with intense determination.

٣. يُمْنُ الخِلافَةِ بُورِكَتْ وَيَمِينُها
جَادا عَلَيْها بِالْجَدا الهَطَّالِ

4. Indeed its prosperity cured what it cured,
So he complained of his illness with submission.

٤. وَلَقَدْ شَفَى إِقْبَالُهَا مَا شَفَّه
فَاعْتَاضَ مِنْ شَكْواه بِالإبْلالِ

5. No hostile habit came from it,
It was too noble for betrayal or perfidy.

٥. لَمْ يَخْلُ مِنْها عَادَةً عَدَوِيَّةً
كَرُمَتْ عَن الإخْلافِ والإخْلالِ

6. And the Exalted One refused what it offered him
Of its kind acts and favors.

٦. وَأَبَى المعالي أنَّ ما بَذَلَتْ لهُ
عَطَفَاتُها لِمَكَارِم وَمَعَالِ

7. Had it not been for calm and forbearance, worries
Would have called him, and he would have answered with endurance and travel.

٧. لَوْلا النَّدى والحلْمُ نَادَتْهُ النَّوى
فَأجَابَها بِتَحمُّلٍ ورِحَالِ

8. Does he who cannot support a dependent woman
Whose duty soared, and his own family, stay?

٨. أيُقيمُ لَيْسَ يَريمُ بَيْنَ إضَافَةٍ
عَالَتْ فَريضَتُها وَبَيْنَ عِيَالِ

9. Is one draft from the sea of ardor enough,
Except overflowing at the head of each crescent moon?

٩. هَلْ شَرْبَةٌ مِنْ أَبْحُرِ الجَدْوَى سِوَى
ثَمَدٍ يَفِيضُ لِرَأسِ كُلِّ هِلالِ

10. Who is there whom sluggishness meets but doesn't repay
Amidst perils with boldly plunging ahead?

١٠. مَنْ ذا يُوَافيهِ الخُمُولُ فَلا يَفِي
وَسَطَ الفَلا بِتَقَحُّمِ الأَهوالِ

11. Lengthy travels he assumed when he did not fear
Anything but the harm of a long period against him.

١١. رِحَلاً طِوَالاً رَامَ إذْ لَم يَحْتَقِبْ
إلا أذَى حِقَبٍ عَلَيْهِ طِوالِ

12. Shortened for the Caliph were the days of mercy,
Agitated by his agitated fortune.

١٢. قَصَرَتْ مَداهَا لِلخَليفَةِ رَحْمَةٌ
مُنْثَالَةٌ بِنَوالِهِ المُنْثَالِ

13. And God is thankful for the righteous things
That came were it not for Him, the Reaper of Hopes.

١٣. واللّهُ يَشْكُرُ مَا أتَى مِنْ صَالِحٍ
لَوْلاهُ وَالى حَاصِدُ الآمالِ

14. Hopes are fulfilled: al-Murtaza Yahya
Answers all requests with aid.

١٤. حَسْبُ الأَماني أنَّ يَحْيَى المُرْتَضَى
يُجْرِي عَلى الإسْعافِ كُلَّ سُؤالِ

15. A king who sees religion and world, that they see
The least of his gifts are homes of wealth.

١٥. مَلِكٌ يَرَى دِيناً ودُنْيا أنْ تَرَى
أدْنَى مَوَاهِبه بُيُوتُ الْمَالِ

16. And likewise, when the frenzied lionesses rank themselves,
Then the one killed by them is the Father of Cubs.

١٦. وكَذَا إذَا الهَيْجَاءُ صُفَّتْ أُسْدُها
فَصَرِيعُهَا مِنْهَا أبُو الأَشْبَالِ

17. He accepts nothing but mighty conquests
In the dignity of a dread and mighty dominion.

١٧. لا يَرْتَضي إلا الفُتُوحَ جَلِيلَةً
بِحُلِيِّ عِزٍّ أقْعَسٍ وَجَلالِ

18. Royal are his manners, so it is as if
He was cast in kingdoms from steel.

١٨. مَلَكِيَّةٌ أخْلاقُهُ فَكَأنهُ
مَا صِيغَ في الأمْلاكِ مِنْ صَلْصالِ

19. My patron, I depend on you in gratitude, so will
What I hope for from employment come to pass?

١٩. مَولايَ لِي فِي الشكرِ مُعْتَمَدٌ فَهَلْ
يَمْضِي لِمَا أَرْجُو مِن اسْتِعْمَالِ

20. If neither an estate nor office benefits me,
Then the loss of my circumstances is a circumstance.

٢٠. إنْ لَم تُفِدنِي ضَيْعَة أوْ صَنْعَة
فَضَياعُ أحْوالِي من الأحْوالِ