1. On a Hafsian princess, noble and virtuous,
She set out, sacrificing herself for the Exalted Ali.
١. وعُلى حَفْصِيّةٍ فِهْرِيّةٍ
ذَهَبتْ وَأْداً بِعَلْيا أُدَدِ
2. These are his signs, so listen,
Walls inscribed in the open field.
٢. هَذِهِ آثَارُهُ فاسْتَمِعوا
سُوَراً مَتلُوّةً في المَشْهَدِ
3. And answer the caller's command,
Shed your ignorance and don the garb of righteousness.
٣. وَاستَجِيبوا لِمُنَادي أمْرِهِ
تَخلَعُوا الغَيَّ بِلُبسِ الرّشَدِ
4. You are but servants of the Chosen Imam,
Whether you are ruddy or swarthy.
٤. إنَّما أَنْتُمْ لِيَحيَى المُرْتَضَى
خَوَلٌ مِنْ أحْمر أوْ أسودِ
5. A king whose victory is aided by the highest
Heavens with endless aid.
٥. مَلِكٌ مُدّ لَهُ النّصْرُ بِمَنْ
في السّمواتِ العُلَى مِنْ مَدَدِ
6. The wretched two have no protector against him,
Though they occupy the station of the fortunate.
٦. لَيْسَ لِلأَشْقَيْنِ مِنهُ عاصِمٌ
وَلَو احْتَلُّوا مَحَلَّ الأَسْعَدِ
7. How many a disbelieving infidel fell upon another,
And how many an atheist retreated into unbelief!
٧. كَم هَوى مِن كافِرٍ في كافِرِ
وانْضَوَى مِن مُلْحِد في ملحَدِ
8. Often he sends forth from his lofty seat,
A fierce attacker aroused to hunt the finest prey.
٨. طالَما أرْسَلَ مِنْ صَعْدَتِهِ
جارِحاً يُغرَى بِصَيدِ الأَصْيَدِ
9. There they flee before him in defeat
In the narrow, straitened battleground.
٩. هَذِهِ تَمْرُقُ منهُ بائِداً
في المَجالِ الضّنكِ فَخر الأيِّدِ
10. His brave army, when it clashed with the enemy
Became firmer than Uhud.
١٠. جَأشُهُ لَمّا احتَواهُ جَيْشُهُ
صارَ أرْسَى مَوْقِفاً مِنْ أُحُدِ
11. And when he fought the champions of turmoil,
He taught the lions caution and wariness.
١١. وَمَتى قارَعَ أقْرانَ الوَغَى
عَلّم الأُسْد حَذارَ النَّقَدِ
12. The palace was renewed for him, yet he disdained it,
Preferring the tent between the sand dunes.
١٢. نُجِّدَ القَصْرُ لَهُ فاعتاضَ مِن
حُسْنِهِ الخَيْمَةَ بَينَ الأنْجُدِ
13. And he scorned a Yemeni robe,
Lavish with green brocade,
١٣. وازْدَرَى الحُلّة صَنْعانِيّةً
رَافِلاً في سابِغاتِ الزّرَدِ
14. Above a mattress of layered felt
On his personal camel for riding.
١٤. فَوْقَ فَرْشٍ مِنْ مَواضٍ فُلُقٍ
في عِداهُ وَعِوالٍ قُصُدِ
15. His superiority on people is manifest
Beyond any doubt.
١٥. فَضْلُهُ بادٍ عَلَى النّاسِ بِما
خَطّ من ذاك وأَوْلَى منْ يَدِ
16. If the Roman tyrant is hostile,
The Indian swords are ready to repel him.
١٦. إِن يَكُن طاغِيَةُ الرُّومِ بَغَى
فَظُبَى الهِنْدِ لَهُ بِالْمرْصَدِ
17. He scarcely would have known otherwise
In his lustful passion.
١٧. لَم يَكَدْ لَو كانَ يَدْري غَيرَه
في محاباةِ هَوىً لَمْ يَكدِ
18. Distance deluded him, yet from nearby he sees
The infidel's tribute paid by hand.
١٨. غَرّه البُعدُ وعن قرْبٍ يَرى
جِزْيةَ الكُفْرِ تُؤَدَّى عَن يَدِ
19. The slave girls will soon overwhelm him,
As lionesses, rapacious and fierce.
١٩. سَوْفَ تَغْشَاهُ الجَوارِي مِلؤُها
مَلأ كالأسْدِ ذاتِ اللبَدِ
20. Every fleet horse, perfectly saddled,
Chestnut, smooth-gaited and easy to control.
٢٠. كُلُّ شَيحانَ تَمطَّى مِن مَطا
أَدْهَمِ الصِّبغَة سَهْلِ المِقْوَدِ
21. He reckons the sea as dry land,
And makes it flow like a meadow.
٢١. يَحسَبُ البَحرَ طَريقاً يَبساً
فَهوَ يُجرِيهِ كَطرْف أجْرَدِ
22. Their march under the banner of Truth, in the hand
Of the guarded, to repel the supported.
٢٢. زَحفُهُم تَحتَ لِواء الحَقِّ في
يَدِ مَذخور لِدَفْع المُؤْيَدِ
23. The glory of Friday has been doubled
While the people of Sunday suffer disgrace.
٢٣. عِزّة الجُمْعَة قَدْ ضَاعَفَهَا
فارْتَدَى الذِّلَّةَ أهْلُ الأحَدِ
24. And it is for the upholder of Monotheism
To debase Trinity to the lowest place.
٢٤. وعَلَى القَائِمِ بِالتّوحِيدِ أَنْ
يُقْعِدَ التثليثَ أدْنَى مقْعَدِ
25. The church bell tolled, weeping for its day,
As the number of monks diminished.
٢٥. صَرَخَ النّاقوسُ يَبكِي يَوْمَهُ
لِتَنَاهِي عُدَدٍ أوْ عَدَدِ
26. The monks, in their mourning, followed
Labeed's elegy for his brother Arbad.
٢٦. وَاقْتَدَى الرُّهْبَانُ فِي نُدْبَتِهِ
بِلَبيد في أَخيهِ أرْبَدِ
27. O Master, to you I offer praise,
Reserved for your unmatched nobility.
٢٧. أيُّها المَوْلى إلَيكُم مِدَحاً
خَصّها سؤْدَدُكُم بالسُؤْدَدِ
28. I have penned it, watching over the ink
For the meadow, splendor amidst meadows.
٢٨. حَبّرت مِنها يَراعِي حِبراً
للندى زَهوٌ بِها وَسَطَ الندِي
29. Had I been born earlier, I would not have delayed
My songs for your temple.
٢٩. لَوْ تَقَدّمتُ بِميلادِي لَمْ
تَتَأخّرُ عَن أَغاني مَعْبَدِ
30. My state has settled through you in blessings
That inspire me with disjointed rhymes.
٣٠. قَرّت الحالُ بِكُم في نِعَم
أنْطَقَتنِي بِالقَوافِي الشردِ
31. His superiority on people is manifest
Beyond any doubt.
٣١. فَضْلُهُ بادٍ عَلَى النّاسِ بِما
خَطّ من ذاك وأَوْلَى منْ يَدِ
32. If the Roman tyrant is hostile,
The Indian swords are ready to repel him.
٣٢. إِن يَكُن طاغِيَةُ الرُّومِ بَغَى
فَظُبَى الهِنْدِ لَهُ بِالْمرْصَدِ
33. He scarcely would have known otherwise
In his lustful passion.
٣٣. لَم يَكَدْ لَو كانَ يَدْري غَيرَه
في محاباةِ هَوىً لَمْ يَكدِ
34. Distance deluded him, yet from nearby he sees
The infidel's tribute paid by hand.
٣٤. غَرّه البُعدُ وعن قرْبٍ يَرى
جِزْيةَ الكُفْرِ تُؤَدَّى عَن يَدِ
35. The slave girls will soon overwhelm him,
As lionesses, rapacious and fierce.
٣٥. سَوْفَ تَغْشَاهُ الجَوارِي مِلؤُها
مَلأ كالأسْدِ ذاتِ اللبَدِ
36. Every fleet horse, perfectly saddled,
Chestnut, smooth-gaited and easy to control.
٣٦. كُلُّ شَيحانَ تَمطَّى مِن مَطا
أَدْهَمِ الصِّبغَة سَهْلِ المِقْوَدِ
37. He reckons the sea as dry land,
And makes it flow like a meadow.
٣٧. يَحسَبُ البَحرَ طَريقاً يَبساً
فَهوَ يُجرِيهِ كَطرْف أجْرَدِ
38. Their march under the banner of Truth, in the hand
Of the guarded, to repel the supported.
٣٨. زَحفُهُم تَحتَ لِواء الحَقِّ في
يَدِ مَذخور لِدَفْع المُؤْيَدِ
39. The glory of Friday has been doubled
While the people of Sunday suffer disgrace.
٣٩. عِزّة الجُمْعَة قَدْ ضَاعَفَهَا
فارْتَدَى الذِّلَّةَ أهْلُ الأحَدِ
40. And it is for the upholder of Monotheism
To debase Trinity to the lowest place.
٤٠. وعَلَى القَائِمِ بِالتّوحِيدِ أَنْ
يُقْعِدَ التثليثَ أدْنَى مقْعَدِ
41. The church bell tolled, weeping for its day,
As the number of monks diminished.
٤١. صَرَخَ النّاقوسُ يَبكِي يَوْمَهُ
لِتَنَاهِي عُدَدٍ أوْ عَدَدِ
42. The monks, in their mourning, followed
Labeed's elegy for his brother Arbad.
٤٢. وَاقْتَدَى الرُّهْبَانُ فِي نُدْبَتِهِ
بِلَبيد في أَخيهِ أرْبَدِ
43. O Master, to you I offer praise,
Reserved for your unmatched nobility.
٤٣. أيُّها المَوْلى إلَيكُم مِدَحاً
خَصّها سؤْدَدُكُم بالسُؤْدَدِ
44. I have penned it, watching over the ink
For the meadow, splendor amidst meadows.
٤٤. حَبّرت مِنها يَراعِي حِبراً
للندى زَهوٌ بِها وَسَطَ الندِي
45. Had I been born earlier, I would not have delayed
My songs for your temple.
٤٥. لَوْ تَقَدّمتُ بِميلادِي لَمْ
تَتَأخّرُ عَن أَغاني مَعْبَدِ
46. My state has settled through you in blessings
That inspire me with disjointed rhymes.
٤٦. قَرّت الحالُ بِكُم في نِعَم
أنْطَقَتنِي بِالقَوافِي الشردِ