
She turned away from the vanities of this world, drawing near to God

دانت بهجر الدنى لله وازدلفت

1. She turned away from the vanities of this world, drawing near to God
A generous protector, pleasing in her kinship

١. دَانَتْ بِهَجْر الدُّنى للّهِ وازْدَلَفَت
كَريمَة المُنتمَى مرْضِيّةَ القُرَبِ

2. Staying up late at night, bent over her midsection
Fasting in the day, folded over the flame

٢. قَوّامة الليلِ مَحْنِيا عَلى خَصَرٍ
صَوّامة اليَوْم مَطْوياً عَلى لَهَبِ

3. The orphans differed with her while they were in need
Of what they were accustomed to receiving from her while she was in devotion

٣. تَبَايَنتْ واليَتامى هُنّ في رغَب
لِمَا تَعَوّدْنَ مِنها وَهي فِي رَهَبِ

4. If her traces were counted, nothing would be written
Except her brilliant deeds in books

٤. لَوْ أن آثَارها تُحصَى لَمَا كَتبَتْ
سِوى مَآثِرها الأقْلامُ في الكُتُبِ

5. We say in our speeches, the orator launched his debut
That we cried over him with poetry and sermons

٥. نقُول في خطبها المُلقي طَلْعَتَهُ
إنّا بَكَيْناهُ بِالأشْعَارِ والخُطَبِ

6. If only our tongues were silent about him as our minds were
But this is the tradition in the etiquette of literature

٦. فَلَوْ عَقَلْنَا عقَلنا عَنهُ ألسُننا
لكِنّها سُنَةٌ في شِرْعَة الأدبِ