1. Your presence was accompanied by conquering armies
That capture kings or demolish thrones
١. حَفَّت بِحَضْرَتِكَ الفُتوحُ جُيوشَا
تَسْبِي مُلُوكاً أَوْ تَثُلُّ عُرُوشا
2. And it settled as a place of rest amidst them and dwellings
Forever to grant it success and feathering
٢. وَثَوَتْ مَقِيلاً وَسْطَها وَمُعَرِّساً
أَبَداً لِتَبْرِيَ وفْقَها وَتَرِيشا
3. It exhausted both prose and poetry
With what existence was fermenting as armies
٣. أَعْيَتْ عَلَى نَثْرِ الكَلامِ وَنَظْمِهِ
مِمَّا يَجِيشُ بِها الوُجود جُيوشا
4. So its emergence in every era is a sign
Engraved while the enemies hid engravings
٤. فَظُهُورُها فِي كُلِّ عَصْرٍ آيَةً
مَنْقُوشَةً خَفِيَ العِدَاةُ نُقُوشا
5. So how many distinguished or vile were led
By his pigeons forcefully flocking to you
٥. فَلَكَم مِخَشٍّ أَو مِحَشٍّ قادَهُ
قَهْراً إِلَيكَ حِمَامُهُ مَخْشُوشا
6. And how many mountains in an open space were made
Like carded wool, scattered by the blowing wind
٦. وَلَكَمْ جِبَالٍ في مَجَالٍ صُيِّرَتْ
كالعِهْنِ تَسْفِيهِ الصَّبَا مَنْفُوشا
7. You are the supported among the imams in resolve
Like a hot branding iron and a burning heart
٧. أَنْتَ المُؤَيَّدُ في الأَئِمَّةِ عزْمَةً
كالعَضْبِ ماضِيَةً وقَلْباً حُوشا
8. The days found through you what they sought so you did not
Inflict them with any burden or investigation
٨. وَجَدَتْ بِكَ الأَيَّام مَا نَشَدتْ فَما
جَشَّمتَها بَحْثاً وَلا تَفْتِيشا
9. O call to guidance whose place is engraved
While the constructed edifice remains engraved
٩. يا دَعْوَةً نُقِش الهُدى بِمَكَانِها
لا زالَ مَرْصُوصُ البِنَا مَنْقُوشا
10. Through al-Murtada, Yahya its pride was affirmed
What appeared with a cheerful face in times obscure
١٠. ثَبَتَت بِيَحْيَى المُرْتَضَى فِي فَخْرِها
ما لاحَ فِي وَجْهِ الزَّمَانِ خُمُوشا
11. It made the blind see and made the deaf
Whose hearing was impaired hear even faint sounds
١١. قَدْ بَصَّرتْ حَتَّى الضَريرَ وأَسمعتْ
حتَى الأَصَمَّ صِماخُهُ الأُطْرُوشا
12. A king who assumed his throne while the planets are below him
A house built above their orbits furnished
١٢. مَلِكٌ تَبَوَّأَ والكَواكِبُ دُونَهُ
بَيْتاً عَلَى أَفْلاكِها مَعْرُوشا
13. Destiny ordained to protect his wishes for him
Subjugated to fate and timid
١٣. قَضَتِ السَّعادَةُ أنْ تَصونَ لَهُ المُنَى
بِيد المُنَى مُنْقَادَةً وَتَحُوشا
14. It does not fear, though he is blessed, an inauspicious years
A year of scarcity for vegetation dry
١٤. لاَ تَتَّقِي وَهُو المُبَارَكُ سُنَّةً
سنَةً لَحُوساً لِلنَّبَاتِ مَحُوشا
15. What is between views revolving and a flag
We found him a confederate for the casting of lots sincere
١٥. مَا بَيْنَ آراء تُدارُ ورَايَةٍ
نَلْقَاهُ حِلْفاً لِلْقِراعِ بَهُوشا
16. He distanced the henchmen to the wilderness, approaching
And saw the desires of the stunted, malformed
١٦. أَنْأَى الصوائِفَ لِلفَلاةِ تَقرُّباً
وَرأَى رَغيبَاتِ الكَلُومِ خُدُوشا
17. Through his good fortunes the weeping becomes elated
And through his blessings the happy becomes feathered
١٧. بِسُعُودِهِ يُضْحِي البَكِيُّ مُفَوَّهاً
وَبِيُمْنِهِ يُمْسِي النَّضِيُّ مَرِيشا
18. His troops left the buildings a ruin
The Najd desolate, and the mountains bare
١٨. تَرَكَتْ كَتَائِبُهُ العِمَارَةَ بَلْقَعاً
وَالنَّجْدَ وَهْداً وَالجِبَالَ جَشِيشا
19. From every feared despot he is avoided
His courage meets the coward like a moth-eaten rag
١٩. مِنْ كلِّ مَرْهوبِ الشَّكِيمَةِ مُتَّقىً
إِقْدَامُهُ يَلْقَى الكَمِيَّ كَمِيشا
20. The horse's soft neck preferred its saddle
It did not prefer the mule's itchy coat a perch
٢٠. مَتْنُ الجَوادِ النَّهد آثَرُ فُرْشِهِ
لا يُؤْثِرُ الخَوْدَ الكَعَابَ فَرِيشا
21. The most high brought him to rule over turmoil
A blow to pierce itsstab of calumny perforated
٢١. جَاءَتْ بِهِ العَليَا علَى حُكْمِ الوَغَى
ضَرْباً لِطَعْنِ كُمَاتِها مَنْهُوشا
22. So none faults his life and feathering
He who frequented the emptiness sees it inhabited
٢٢. فَلَها يَعِيب مَعَاشَهُ وَرِيَاشَه
أَلِفَ الفَلا فَيَرَى الأَنِيس وُحُوشا
23. And if his palm was bent in receiving
It assumed the path of the crooked winding
٢٣. وَإِذَا تَعُوجُ علَى امْتِشاش كَفُّهُ
تَخِذَتْ سَبيبَ الأَعْوَجِيِّ مَشُوشا
24. And he traces with the line what the unsteady hand does not claim
Nor the etching, the pattern, and the scraping
٢٤. وَيَخُطُّ بالخَطِّيِّ ما لا تَدَّعِي
مَعهُ اليَراعُ الرَّقْمَ والتَّرْقِيشا
25. For God, Hims and its good fortune happily
Guided Syria towards it and its outskirts
٢٥. للَّهِ حِمْصُ وَفَوْزُها بِسَعادَةٍ
هَدَتِ الجَزِيرَةَ نَحْوَها وَشَرِيشا
26. The palace assisted it as a street sweeper
That its shelter's downpour may surge and flood
٢٦. وَالقَصرُ ساعَدَ عِنْدَها مَكْنَاسَةً
ليَفِيضَ غَوْرُ أَمَانِها وَيَجِيشا
27. It affirmed the imam of justice abdicating to him
He who corrupted and ruined
٢٧. أَمَّتْ إِمَامَ العَدْلِ خَالِعَة بِهِ
مَنْ أَعْمَلَ التَّأْرِيثَ وَالتَّحرِيشا
28. And the scale inclined in passionate love to him
To make him a refuge and take him under its wing
٢٨. وَإلَيْهِ خَفَّت وَالرَّجَاحَةُ في الهَوى
أَنْ يَجْعَلَ الآوِي لَهُ وَيَطِيشا
29. The abode of peace called for the stability of his rule
Not pleasure it knew, or vanity
٢٩. دَارُ السَّلامِ دَعَتْ قَرَارَةَ مُلْكِهِ
لا تُونُساً عَرَفَتْ وَلا تَرشِيشا
30. And it held fast to his rope, loving him
Disheveled, not seeking to be combed or groomed
٣٠. وَبِحَبْلِهِ اعْتَصَمَتْ علَى حُبّ لَهُ
مُنْحَاشَةً لا تَبْتَغِي تَهْوِيشا
31. Trusting that all its affairs will live
In the shade of branches, and find life
٣١. ثِقَةً بِأَنْ تَحيا جَمِيعاً أَمْرُها
فِي وَارِفَاتِ ظِلالِهِ وتَعيشا