
The morning dawned on you with the evening,

طلعت عليك مع المساء صباحا

1. The morning dawned on you with the evening,
And the breeze spread its fragrance and sighed.

١. طَلَعتْ عَليكَ معَ المساء صَبَاحا
فوَشى بِمِشْيَتِها النسيمُ وَباحا

2. The spirit's strength cannot conceal its scent -
It exposes those who try to hide their souls.

٢. ما في قِوَى الأرواحِ كتمان الشذى
أفضحْ بِمَنْ يَستَكْتمُ الأَرواحا

3. Heifa rose not with a slender waist
Except she was a burden hard to carry on the camel's hump.

٣. هَيْفَاءُ لم تنهَض بِخصْرٍ أهْيَفٍ
إلا وَنَتْ رِدْفاً يَنُوءُ رَدَاحا

4. A waist, if its sash is removed from it,
Its braids would cling to it like a sash.

٤. خَصْراً إذا مَازال عَنْهُ وشاحُه
ثَبتَتْ ذَوائِبُها علَيهِ وِشَاحا

5. The charm of her features almost, out of softness,
Flowed like a morning breeze gently wafting.

٥. أعْدى شَمائِلها فَكادَت رقّةً
تَسْري نَسيماً بُكْرَةً ورَوَاحا

6. Wretched is the passionate struck by desire -
No sanity appeared for him when passion struck.

٦. تَعِس المُفَنِّد هبّ يَلْحى في الهَوى
ما لاحَ مِنْ رُشْدٍ لَهُ إذْ لاحا

7. He seeks intimacy from me along with connection,
Have you seen a prohibited affair counted as lawful?

٧. يَبْغِي لدَيّ مَع العلاقة سَلْوَةً
أَرَأَيتَ مَحْظوراً يُعَدُّ مُبَاحا

8. By God, how can one sober up from his intoxication,
Who carouses with gazelles and wine cups?

٨. باللّهِ كَيْفَ يفيق مِن سَكرَاتِه
مَنْ نَادم الأحْدَاق والأقْدَاحا

9. What harm in her killer glances instead
Of donning other weapons than hers?

٩. ما ضَرّ قَاتِلَة النُفوسِ بِدَلّها
أَلا تُقلدَ من سِواه سِلاحا

10. She did not unleash her learned eyelash except
She permitted havoc on gentle prey.

١٠. لَم تُرسِل الطّرف المعلّم صَيدُها
إلا استَباحَ الأصْيَد الجَحْجاحا

11. By her who budded breasts for my battle,
Waging war at peace imprisoning them like spears.

١١. بِأَبي التي نَهَدَتْ لِحَرْبِيَ ناهِداً
في السِّلْم تَعْتَقِلُ الثدي رِماحا

12. Two apple-like breasts with erect tips
That do not resemble what produces apples.

١٢. تُفاحَتانِ بِخُوطِ بَانٍ بَانَتا
ما البانُ مِما يُثْمرُ التُّفاحا

13. Her affection adapted him like a branch
Even if he does not adapt to settlements.

١٣. أَلِفَ التأوُّدَ عِطْفُها فَتَخالُه
غُصْناً وإنْ لَمْ يَأْلَفِ الأدْواحا

14. As if good life was sipped in sips,
So it trembled from rapture for it and relaxed.

١٤. وَكأنّما سُقِيَ النَّعيم سُلافَةً
فاهتَزَّ مِنْ طَربٍ لها وارْتاحا

15. Her perfections tamed passion for love,
So it flowed until it could not flap its wings.

١٥. راضَت محاسِنُها الجَموحَ على الهَوى
فانْساقَ حتّى ما أطاقَ جِماحا

16. How many flashes between lightning and lightning
Appear to my polished Sababah like flint stones.

١٦. كمْ بارقٍ بَيْنَ العُذَيب وبارقٍ
يبْدو لَزنْدِ صَبَابَتي قدّاحا

17. The wrinkled Khali passed the night with her,
Turning his eyes to its winking covetously.

١٧. هَجَع الخَليُّ بِهِ وبِتُّ مقلِّباً
طَرْفاً إلى إيماضِهِ طَمّاحا

18. Burdened by days gone by,
Whose memory we left wailing.

١٨. كَلِفاً بأيّامٍ سَلَفْن خِلالَها
خَلَّفْنَ ذِكْرَ عُهُودِها نَفّاحا

19. I flap to the beauties like a headless body,
With slackened reins fearing no collision.

١٩. إنّي لأجنَحُ للأوانِسِ كالدُّمى
سَلِسَ العِنان ولا أخَافُ جُناحا

20. And I stand in the club conversing with dew,
Intoxicated my praise stains it.

٢٠. وأقومُ في النّادي أُحَدِّث بالنّدى
سَكِراً يُضَمِّخُ طِيبُه الأَمداحا

21. Ever hopeful the profits will not run out,
Of a bounteous Hafsiyya who saw generosity lucrative.

٢١. لا يُنْفِدُ الأَرباحَ آمِلُ دَولَةٍ
حَفْصِيَّةٍ رَأَتِ السّماحَ رباحا

22. These are her gifts overflowing upon people
Like heavy rains covering a hill and plain.

٢٢. هَذي مَواهِبُها تُفاضُ على الوَرى
كالغَيْثِ طَبَّق أجْبُلاً وَبِطاحا

23. And if the tongue of praise meets its Lord,
It meets a sea in the kings, boundless.

٢٣. وإِذا صُراحُ المَدْحِ لاقَى رَبّها
لاقى لُبَاباً في المُلوكِ صُراحا

24. I swear by the chosen Yahya, indeed he gained
Victory by his might like hilltops levelled.

٢٤. قَسَماً بِيَحيى المُرْتَضى لَقَدِ انْتَضى
مِنْ بَأْسهِ مِثْلَ الصِّفاحِ صِفاحا

25. And he decreed the brimful his generosity constrained
That it not set free those in his grip.

٢٥. وقَضى على العافي مُقيد جُودِهِ
ألا يُسَرّحَ عَنْ ذَراهُ سَراحا

26. How clear the proof! Indeed he has the ascendance,
Vanquishing foes and misguidance with illumination.

٢٦. ما أوْضَحَ البُرهانَ إنَّ له العُلى
عادِية والسُّؤدَد الوَضّاحا

27. He enclosed guidance with his skin and strife,
So misguidance stumbled and fell down.

٢٧. حاطَ الهُدى بجِلادِهِ وجِهادِهِ
فَكَبا لِمِعْطَسِهِ الضّلال وَطاحا

28. Fates do not waver but give him victory
When he attempts to conquer and open.

٢٨. لا تأْتَلي الأقْدارُ تُولِي قَدْرَهُ
فَتْحاً إِذا ما حاوَلَ اسْتِفْتَاحا

29. And he has steeds that seemed like zebras in battle
And returned to uproot the enemies like gusts of wind.

٢٩. وَلهُ الجِيادُ بدت ظِباءً في الوَغَى
وعَدَتْ لِتَقْتلِعَ العُدَاة رِياحا

30. Not a single wedding eve hummed with their tireless song
Except it became a mourning wake in the morning.

٣٠. ما أصبَحَتْ عُرْساً ترنُّ قِيانُها
إلا وأمْسَتْ مَأتَماً ونُواحا

31. More resolute than the resolute, truthful in resolve
Seeking vengeance on Mansur and the brutal.

٣١. أمْضى من الماضين عزْماً صادِقاً
يَسْتقْصرُ المَنْصورَ والسفّاحا

32. No wonder that the evidence of his superiority became complete
When the superiority of perfection appeared and shone.

٣٢. لا غَرْوَ أن كَمُلَت أدِلّةُ فَضْله
لمّا بدا فَضْلُ الكَمالِ وَلاحا

33. So the full moon diminished in its shining face,
And the sea ebbed from his palm's drawing out.

٣٣. فالبَدْرُ غاضَ بوَجْهِهِ إِشراقُه
والبَحْرُ آضَ لِكَفّه ضَحْضاحا

34. Perfecting what the kings lacked, completing,
Employing reform and improvement.

٣٤. وافى لِما نَقَص المُلوكُ مُتَمِّماً
فاستَعمَلَ الإصلاح والإسْجاحا

35. The height between his right hand and brow -
How excellent the specters and souls!

٣٥. الطولُ بَين يَمينِه وجَبينه
ما نَعَّم الأشْباح والأرواحا

36. He impregnated war with helpers and left no
Living soul in the wastelands' breadth to breed.

٣٦. قد ألْقَحَ الحَرْبَ العَوانَ فلم يدَعْ
حَيّاً بأجْوازِ الفَلاة لَقاحا

37. So they divided joys and miseries.
If the days had been ambiguous before,

٣٧. هَذا العُدا مُتلاقِيا فِئَة الهُدَى
فَتَقَسّمُوا الأتراحا والأفراحا

38. Then unraveling what covers them more openly.
Or composing melodies for incurable illnesses,

٣٨. إنْ كانت الأيّام بُهْما قَبْلَه
فَلَشَدّ مَا كُسيَتْ بِهِ إِفْصاحا

39. Now when the airs are healthy and true.
By His beauty it glows in its splendor

٣٩. أو لُحْن مَرْضَى لا شِفاءَ لِسُقْمِها
فَالآن لما صحَّ رُحْن صَحاحا

40. Like the sun glowing in the dawn.
A feast fulfilling promises heralding

٤٠. للّهِ أَضْحَى زَانَهُ بِبَهائِهِ
كالشّمْسِ زَانَ شُعاعُها الإصْباحا

41. Whatever parts receded from it and withdrew.
Indeed, the prince - and may his days be immortal -

٤١. عِيدٌ بإنْجازِ الوُعُودِ مُبَشِّرٌ
مَا انْحَازَ مِنْهَا جَانِباً وانْزَاحا

42. His good fortune embraced existence with betterment.
The age was made through him entirely spring,

٤٢. إنَّ الأمِيرَ وخُلّدَت أيّامُهُ
وَسعَتْ سَعَادَتُه الوجودَ صَلاحا

43. So it made your meadows a fragrant greenery.

٤٣. جُعِلَ الزمانُ بِه رَبيعاً كُلُّه
فَجَعَلْت رَيْحَاناً حُلاه وَرَاحا