
If one who struts with pride could know

لو ارعوى من يشمخ

1. If one who struts with pride could know
That his nature comes from a drop emitted

١. لو ارعوى من يشمخُ
تكبّراً ويبذخُ

2. And that the parts protected by his clothes
Will become worn out and decayed

٢. أيقنَ أنّ سنخهُ
من حمإٍ سيسنخُ

3. He would cry out upon realizing
Did a son or brother revolve around him?

٣. وأنّ ما حماه من
أطرافهِ يدوّخُ

4. Does he not know that the one who is most
Protective of ruin does not scream out?

٤. صاح وقد صحا فهل
طاف به ابنٌ أو أخُ

٥. أما درى أن الذي
أمّ الردى لا يصرَخُ