
God tended the folds of the domes

رعى الله ثنيات القباب

1. God tended the folds of the domes
And watered them with the dew of clouds

١. رَعَى اللهُ ثَنِيَّاتِ الْقِبَابِ
وَرَوَّضَهَا بِأَنْدَاءِ السَّحَابِ

2. Stars in resplendent tents
Like the light of gray hair in the locks of youth

٢. نُجُومٌ فِي خِيَامٍ مُشْرِقَاتٌ
كَنُورِ الشَّيْبِ فِي حَلَكِ الشَّبَابِ