1. O one whose glorious deeds abound
And keen intellect is hardened steel
١. يَا مَنْ مَآثرُهُ عَديدَهْ
وشَبَاةُ فِطْنَتِهِ حَدِيدَهْ
2. Son of one who adorned his disciples
With beneficial guidance most ideal
٢. وابنَ الذِي حَلَّى مُريدَهْ
بِسُموطِ إِرْشادٍ مُفيدَهْ
3. Aid Ibn Zakour to improve
This poem of mine, if you so feel
٣. أعِنِ ابنَ زاكورٍ علَى
إصْلاحِ هَاتِيكَ القَصيدَهْ
4. By your presence, though lofty your station
Beyond what I can make appeal
٤. بِحُضُورِكُمْ إِنْ كانَ لاَ
يُدْنِي مَراتِبَكَ البَعِيدَهْ
5. Or send the papers with
One whose path is most virtuous and real
٥. أوْ فابْعثِ الأوْراقَ مَعْ
مَنْ رَاقَ ذَا سِيَرٍ حَميدَهْ
6. We'll send them back before long
To gleam with gems that fields do yield
٦. ونَرُدُّهَا عَمَّا قَرِي
بٍ تَزْدَهِي مِنْها الْخَرِيدَهْ
7. May God make your existence endure
To bring out the finest life can wield
٧. أبْقَى الإِلَهُ وُجُودَكُمْ
لِيُجيدَ مِنْ ذَا الدَّهْرِ جِيدَهْ