
Happy is he whom God has been good to

هنيئا لمن أحسن الله له

1. Happy is he whom God has been good to
And blessed with all he wished for

١. هَنِيئاً لِمَنْ أَحْسَنَ اللهُ لَهْ
وَجَادَ عَلَيْهِ بِمَا أَمَّلَهْ

2. And saved him from his soul's distress
Whether it was for him or against him

٢. وَأَنْقَذَهُ مِنْ عَنَا نَفْسِهِ
فَكَانَتْ لَهُ أَوْ عَلََيْهِ وَلَهْ