1. Alas! Glory has weaned you of guile
There is no honor between staying or departing
١. إِيهِ فَالْعِزُّ قَدْكَ مِنْ تَدْلِيسِ
لَيْسَ بَيْنَ الْمَقِيلِ وَالتَّعْرِيسِ
2. Glory lies only in leaving, so the prowess of a
lion is not felt among the lambs
٢. إِنَّمَا الْعِزُّ فِي الرَّحِيلِ فَبَطْشُ ال
لَّيْثِ لَيْسَ يًحَسُّ فِي الْعِرِّيسِ
3. When she was convinced of my good conduct
She thought I had suckled at the breast of the idol
٣. زَعَمَتْ إِذْ تَيَقَّنَتْ صِدْقَ سَيْرِي
أَنَّنِي قَدْ رَضَعْتُ ثَدْيَ الْبُوسِ
4. She did not know, she did not realize the arguments of my reproach
My only aim being to obtain the rain of al-Yusi
٤. مَا دَرَتْ لاَ دَرَتْ قَضَايَا عِتَابِي
إِنَّ قَصْدِي انْتِجَاعُ غَيْثِ الْيُوسِي
5. The Imam most deserving of esteem
Whose eminence towers over all heads
٥. الإِمَامُ الذِي يَحِقُّ لَهُ السَّعْ
يُ وَحَقِّ عُلاَهُ فَوْقَ الرُّؤُوسِ
6. The counsel whose light of guidance pours forth
A radiance brighter than the sun’s rays
٦. الْهُمَامُ الذِي ضِيَاءُ الْهُدَى يَسْ
طَعُ مِنْهُ سُطُوعَ ضَوْءِ الشُّموسِ
7. Our Shaykh, most excellent of shaykhs, for who can
Comprehend what our Shaykh is, the splendor of all lessons
٧. شَيْخُنَا أَفْضَلُ الشُّيُوخِ وَمَا أَدْ
رَاكَ مَا شَيْخُنَا بَهَاءُ الدُّرُوسِ
8. Our Shaykh surpasses all shaykhs in merit
Overflowing with grace, quenching the lexicon
٨. شَيْخُنَا بَاهِرُ الشُّيوخِ بِفَضْلٍ
فَاضَ فَيْضاً أَرْبَى عَلَى الْقَامُوسِ
9. Our Shaykh, Kaaba of virtues, ceased not to be
An object of visitation for one enamored of the precious
٩. شَيْخُنَا كَعْبَةُ الْفَضائِلِ لاَ زَا
لَتْ مَطَافاً لِمُغْرَمٍ بِالنَّفِيسِ
10. We came to you seeking success and rectitude, O enlightener of Touss
We came to you seeking deliverance and water in place of wine
١٠. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالْفَلاَحَ قَصَدْنَا
بِكَ وَالرُّشٍٍْدَ يَا مُنِيرَ التُّوسِ
11. We came to you seeking salvation, my Master, from the torment of Bīs
We came to you seeking deliverance from the greatest foe, Iblīs
١١. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالنَّجَاحَ قَصَدْنَا
بِكَ وَالرِّيَّ مِنْ أَجْلِِ الْكُؤُوسِ
12. We came to you seeking wealth, we came to
You, beyond base, vile, despicable adversity
١٢. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالنَّجَاةَ قَصَدْنَا
بِكَ مَوْلاَيَ مِنْ عَذَابِ بِيسِ
13. We came to you seeking benefit during transcription and instruction
We came to you seeking victory in battle against a defeated enemy
١٣. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالْخَلاَصَ قَصَدْنَا
بِِكَ مِنْ أَكْبَرِ الْعِدَا إِبْلِيسِ
14. We came to you seeking healing from what mars the good character
We came to you, the healer of souls,
١٤. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالْغِنَى قَدْ قَصَدْنَا
بِكَ عَنْ عَارِضٍ دَنِيٍّ خَسِيسِ
15. Not the doctor of pulp and chemicals
And found you to be the very staff of noble traits,
١٥. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَانْتِفَاعاً قَصَدْنَا
مِنْكَ عِنْدَ التَّدْوِينِ وَالتَّدْرِيسِ
16. Not a staff attributed to Galen
Grant us from the sweetness of intimacy
١٦. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَانْتِصَاراً قَصَدْنَا
مِنْكَ فِي حَرْبِ حَاقِدٍ مَنْكُوسِ
17. To forget the bitterness of dejection
And give us from the jujubes of meaning
١٧. قَدْ قَصَدْنَاكَ وَالشِّفَاءَ قَصَدْنَا
مِنْكَ مِمَّاحَوَى الْحَشَا مِنْ رَسِيسِ
18. To soothe the obstruction of distraught souls
And protect us from our souls, for they have
١٨. قَدْ قَصَدْنَا مِنْكُمْ طَبِيبَ النُّفُوسِ
لاَ طَبِيبَ الْكَيْلُوسِ وَالْكَيْمُوسِ
19. Fought against us, not like the war of Bassoos
Wanting to plunder what God let flow
١٩. وَظَفِرْنَا بِكُمْ بِآسِ الْمَعَالِي
لاَ بِآسٍ يُعْزَى لِجَالَيْنُوسِ
20. Generously over humankind, of fine chivalry
A glance at Abu ‘Ali has quenched
٢٠. هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ حَلاَوَةِ التَّأْنِيسِ
مَا يُنَسِّي مَرَارَةَ التَّنْكِيسِ
21. A drink from Abu ‘Ali, the president
May his light keep shining, showing him
٢١. وَاسْقِنَا مِنْ سَكَنْجَبِينِ الْمَعَانِي
مَا يُلِينُ احْتِبَاسَ بُؤْسِ النُّفُوسِ
22. A full moon of glory at the rise of veneration
٢٢. وَاحْمِنَا مِنْ نُفُوسِنَا إِنَّهَا قَدْ
حَارَبَتْنَا وَلاَ كَحَرْبِ الْبَسُوسِ
٢٣. وَأَرَادَتْ سَلْبَ الذِي أَسْبَلَ ال
لَّهُ عَلَى الْعِرْضِ مِنْ جَمِيلِ اللَّبُوسِ
٢٤. نَظْرَةٌ فِي أَبِي عَلِيٍّ كَفَتْنَا
شُرْبَةً مِنْ أَبِي عَلِيِّ الرَّئِيسِ
٢٥. دَامَ وَالْنُّورُ مِنْ هُدَاهُ يُرِيهِ
بَدْرَ مَجْدٍ بِمَطْلِعِ التَّقْدِيسِ