
Send forth the steeds of insight

أرسل جياد النظر

1. Send forth the steeds of insight
And learn

١. أَرْسِلْ جِيَادَ النَّظَرِ

2. And drink the hanging of Solomon
And repel the estrangements of others

٢. وَاشْرَبْ طُِلاَ السُّلْوَانْ
وَذُدْ شُرُودَ الْغِيَرِ

3. And let gratitude
Adorn the one who decorated the garden

٣. وَلْتَشْكُرِ
مَنْ طََّرزَ الْبُسْتَانْ

4. Its beauty exposed by the rain
With flowers

٤. جَلاَّهُ غِبَّ الْمَطَرِ

5. Wreathed in garlands
And the bird of good news trilled

٥. مُكَلَّلَ التِّيجَانْ
وَطَائِرُ الْبِشْرِ صَدَحْ

6. For the happiness has sparked
The fire of joy early

٦. لأَِنْ قَدَحْ
زَنْدَ الْمُنَى السَّعْدُ

7. So it unfolded
Its beauty, the rose

٧. بَاكِرْ مَعَاهِدَ الْفَرَحْ
فَقَدْ شَرَحْ

8. And the branches embraced

٨. جَمَالَهَا الْوَرْدُ
وَاعْتَنَقَتْ هِيَفُ الْغُصُونْ

9. Jewels of necklaces
As if they are pampered

٩. يَسْتَنْثِرُونْ
جَوَاهِرَ الأَطْوَاقْ

10. And passionate
Arrows of longing pierced them

١٠. كَأَنَّهُمْ مُدَلَّهُونْ

11. And the violet's eyes
Never sleep

١١. سَمَتْ لَهُمْ أَشْوَاقْ
وَلِلْبَنَفْسَجِ عُيُونْ

12. Weeping from dripping
And the tender narcissus breathed

١٢. لاَ يَنْعَسُونْ
تَبْكِي مِنَ الإِيرَاقْ

13. When it woke
From its blooming, a lover

١٣. وَالنَّرْجِسُ الْغَضُّ نَفَحْ
لَمَّا اصْطَبَحْ

14. So race the steeds of joy
For it has wounded

١٤. مِنْ نَشْرِهِ نَدُّ
فَارْكُضْ سَوَابِقَ الْفَرَحْ

15. His cheeks, the rose
And the gardens of the anemone buzzed

١٥. فَقَدْ جَرَحْ
خُدُودَهُ الْوَرْدُ

16. With tender dew
Its drink exhilarates

١٦. وَزَانَ وَجْنَاتِ الشَّقِيقْ
نَدىً رَقِيقْ

17. As if on carnelian
A refined pearl

١٧. رُوَاؤُهُ يَبْهَرْ
كَأَنَّمَا عَلَى الْعَقِيقْ

18. Of the finest jewels
Or a tear from one who embraced his lover

١٨. دُرٌّ أَنِيقْ
مِنْ أَنْفَسِ الْجَوْهَرْ

19. Complaining of burning
With his red cheek

١٩. أَوْ دَمْعُ مَنْ ضَمَّ الْعَشِيقْ
يَشْكُو الْحَرِيقْ

20. Comforting those who recoiled
From playfulness

٢٠. بِِخَدِّهِ الأَحْمَرْ
يَسْلُو بِهِ مَنِ انْتَزَحْ

21. Respond to the caller of joy
For it has wounded

٢١. مِنَ الْمَرَحْ
مَنْ لِلنَّوَى مَدُّ

22. His cheeks, the rose

٢٢. لَبِّ مُنَادِي الْفَرَحْ
فَقَدْ جَرَحْ

٢٣. خُدُودَهُ الْوَرْدُ