1. Come with a flute whose spring is the sweetest and coolest of our springs.
Read our loved ones, our most virtuous, the best of greetings that supports it.
١. أَلْمِمْ بِمَكْناسَةٍ فَمَوْرِدُهَا
أَحْلَى َموَارِدِنَا وَأَبْرَدِهَا
2. And smell the fine traits, you are not accustomed to them.
And inform us, so you enlighten us,
٢. وَاقْرَأْ أَحِبَّتَنَا أَطِبَّتَنَا
أَزْكى السَّلامِ الذِي يُؤَيِّدُهَا
3. With what glorifies aspirations and glorifies them,
About a long-lived Umar whose lifetime was a moon,
٣. وَالْمَحْ مَحَاسِنَ تَسْتَطِيرُ سَنىً
وَشِمْ شَمَائِلَ لَسْتَ تَعْهَدُهَا
4. Lighting up our joys so we head towards it.
Who is Umar? For the high, a burden
٤. وَأُبْ لِتُخْبِرَنَا فَتُحْبِرَنَا
بِمَا يُسِيمُ الْمُنَى فَيُمْجِدُهَا
5. That protects its supporters and trenches them.
Who is Umar? For the enemies, harm
٥. عَنْ عُمَرٍ طَالَ عُمْرُهُ قَمَراً
يُضِيءُ أَفْرَاحَنَا فَنَقْصِدُهَا
6. That detains them in misery and makes them sit.
Who is Umar? An outpouring, a sigh,
٦. مَنْ عُمَرٌ ذَاكَ لِلْعُلاَ وَزَرٌ
يَحْفَظُ أَشْيَاعَهَا وَيَحْفَدُهَا
7. So his high values come to those who count them.
Who is Umar? His words are pearls.
٧. مَنْ عُمَرٌ ذَاكَ لِلْعِدَا ضَرَرٌ
يُقِيمُهَا فِي الْعَنَا وَيُقْعِدُهَا
8. Not dominated by those who do not string them.
Who is Umar? His voice is intoxication,
٨. مَنْ عُمَرٌذَاكَ نَوْفَلٌ زُفُرٌ
فَاتَتْ مََعَالِيهِ مَنْ يُعَدِّدُهَا
9. Decisive for our passions and reaping them,
Days chanting us and rescuing us,
٩. مَنْ عُمَرٌذَاكَ لَفْظُهُ دُرَرٌ
لَيْسَ يَسُودُ مَنْ لَيْسَ يَسْرُدُهَا
10. Welcome to a house whose best part is its pillar,
Dressing it in his melodies,
١٠. مَنْ عُمَرٌذَاكَ صَوْتُهُ سَكَرٌ
يَحْسِمُ أَشْجَانَنَا وَيَحْصُدُهَا
11. The father of his father Yahya adorning it,
Infiltrating the domes of hearts with it,
١١. أيَّامَ يُنْشِدُنَا فَيُنْجِدُنَا
أَهْلاً بِدَارٍ سَبَاكَ أَغْيَدُهَا
12. Prancing, and happiness guiding it,
So the heart turns around, and it is its mold,
١٢. يُلْبِسُهَا مِنْ أَلْحَانِهِ حُلَلاً
عَمُّ أَبِيهِ يَحْيَى مُنَجِّدُهَا
13. And the mind reasons when it harnesses it.
If Al-Mutanabbi were a listener,
١٣. تَلِجُ مِنْ قُبَبِ الْقُلُوبِ بِهَا
مُخْتَالَةً وَالسُّرُورُ يَُرْشُِدُهَا
14. Ecstasy would stir in him as he lavishes it.
And he would wish that it befriends what it befriended,
١٤. فَالْقَلْبً يُقْلَبُ وَهَْو قَالَبُهَا
وَالْعَقْلُ يَعْقِلُ إِذْ يُقَيِّدُهَا
15. With it his joy and chantress.
And he became elated with an elated one
١٥. فَالْمُتَنَبِّي لَوْ كَانَ مُسْتَمِعاً
هَاجَ لَهُ الْوَجْدُ إِذْ يُجَوِّدُهَا
16. Who specializes his verses and singles them out.
And he said in gladness and in jest,
١٦. وَوَدَّ لَوْ آلَفَتْ لِمَا اِئْتَلَفَتْ
بِهِ مَسَرَّتُهَا وَمُنْشِدُهَا
17. Addressing Al-Najl, you have continued to rescue it.
١٧. وَصَارَ مُنْشَرِحاً لِمُنْسَرِحٍ
يَخُصُّ أَبْيَاتَهُ وَيُفْرِدُهَا
١٨. وَقالَ مِنْ فَرَحٍ وَمِنْ مَرَحٍ
يُخَاطِبُ النَّجْلَ دُمْتَ تُنْجِدُهَا