
I sought out Abu Imran Musa while my worries

قصدت أبا عمران موسى وقد طغت

1. I sought out Abu Imran Musa while my worries
Overflowed upon my mournful, desolate heart,

١. قَصَدْتُ أَبَا عِمْرَانَ مُوسَى وَقَدْ طَغَتْ
هُمُومِي على قَلْبِي الكَئيبِ الْمُبَرَّحِ

2. So that hope might graze in the meadow of his generosity -
For he who seeks refuge in the Shepherd will graze and frolic.

٢. لِكَيْ تَسْرَحَ الآمَالُ في رَوْضِ جُودِهِ
فَمَنْ لاَذَ بِالرَّاعِي يَسْرَحْ وَيَمْرَحِ