
Have mercy, O masters, on a slave

إرحموا عبدا أتاكم

1. Have mercy, O masters, on a slave
Who comes to you,

١. إِرْحَمُوا عَبْداً أَتَاكُمْ
يَا مَوَالِينَا

2. Bearing the dust of your dwellings
As an offering,

٢. سَائِفاً تُرْبَ حِمَاكُمْ
مِسْكَ دَارِينَا

3. Begging the kindness of your reception
For one in misery.

٣. شَاحِذاً بِيضَ رَدَاكُمْ
لِلْمُنَا وِينَا