1. We are a people, if the cupbearer is absent from us
Our souls yearn for drinking
١. نَحْنُ قَوْمٌ إِنْ غَابَ عَنَّا السَّاقِي
بَلَغَتْ نَفْسُ أُنْسِنَا لِلتَّرِاقِي
2. And our breaths become harsh and our souls hardened
From being separated from the wine of communion
٢. وَتَلَظَّتْ أَنْفَاسُنَا وَقَسَتْ
أَنْفُسُنَا مِنْ فِرَاقِ خَمْرِ التَّلاَقِي
3. So pass it around, O son of nobles, Abu Ya'za
Triumph over our secret with a large cup
٣. فَأَدِرْهَا يَا ابْنَ الْكِرَامِ أَبَا يَعْ
زَى عَلَى سِرِّنَا بِكَأْسٍ دِهَاقِ
4. And quench us with a wine by which we can enjoy
The gardens of paradise above the layers
٤. وَاسْقِنَا خَمْرَةً نَظَلُّ بِهَا نَجْ
نِي جَنَى الْمَلَكُوتِ فَوْقَ الطِّبَاقِ
5. And by which we obtain glory when glory
Contains no one but the outstripping youth
٥. وَنَحُوزُ بِهَا الْمَدَى حِينَ لاَ يَحْ
وِي الْمَدَى مِنْ فَتىً سِوَى السُّبَّاقِ
6. And steady the steps which brought us
To your protected sanctuary illuminated with dawn
٦. وَأَثِبْ ذِي الْخُطَى التِي أَوْصَلَتْنَا
لِحِمَاكَ الْمَعْلُولِ بِالإِشْرَاقِ
7. By what your virtues require of you
And your generous noble dispositions
٧. بِالذِي تَقْتَضِيهِ مِنْكَ الْمَزَايَا
وَالسَّجَايَا الْكَرِيمَةُ الأَعْرَاقِ
8. And wishes we have set towards you, a heart
Enveloped in the wrappings of passions
٨. وَمُنىً قَدْ أَطَرْنَ نُحْوَكَ قَلْباً
مُدْرَجاً فِي لَفَائِفِ الأَشْوَاقِ
9. It and your elevation have brought it
To the spring of virtue, which is sweet to taste
٩. إِنَّهَا وَعُلاَكَ قَدْ أَوْرَدَتْهُ
مَنْهَلَ الْفَضْلِ وَهْوَ عَذْبُ الْمَذَاقِ
10. And shown it from generosity a garden
Bearing the fruits of noble morals
١٠. وَأَرَتْهُ مِنَ الْمَكَارِمِ رَوْضاً
مُثْمِراً بِمَكَارِمِ الأَخْلاَقِ
11. Bestow upon it the most abundant gifts so that
It fears no terrifying confrontation
١١. هَبْ لَهْ أَجْزَلَ الْمَوَاهِبِ حَتَّى
لاَ يَخَافُ الْمَرْهُوبَ مِنْ إِمْلاَقِ
12. And grant it from treasures a wealth
It fears no cheating of thieves
١٢. وَأَنِلْهُ مِنَ الذَّخَائِرِ مَالاً
يَخْتَشِي فِيهِ غِيلَةَ السُّرَّاقِ
13. For the nobility that is with you does not run out
And one with passion is desirous
١٣. فَالذِي عِنْدَكُمْ مِنَ الْفَضْلِ لاَ يَنْ
فِدُ وَالْمَرْءُ ذُو هَوىً تَوَّاقِ
14. And your father, Abu Shu'ayb, is my intercessor
For your elevation, with the Iraqi holy man
١٤. وَأَبُوكُمْ أَبُو شُعَيْبٍشَفِيعِي
لِعُلاَكُمْ مَعَ الصَّفِيِّ الْعِرَاقِي
15. That pole, my master, servant of the Capable
Lover of you in the pleasure of the Creator
١٥. ذَلِكَ الِقُطْبِ سَيِّدِي عَابِدِ الْقَا
دِرِحِبِّكُمْ فِي رِضَى الْخَلَّاقْ
16. O what a companion he has, and what a confidant!
And what a refuge for friends you have!
١٦. يَا لَهُ صَاحِباً وَيَا لَهُ مَصْحُو
باً وَيَا لَكُمْ مَلْجَأً لِلرِّفَاقِ
17. A companionship whose terrain God has purified
Of wickedness, deception and conflict
١٧. صُحْبَةٌ طَهَّرَ الإِلَهُ ثَرَاهَا
مِنْ خَبَالٍ وَدُلْسَةٍ وَشِقَاقِ
18. A companionship whose image God has sanctified
From the gloom of every despised companion
١٨. صُحْبَةٌ نَزَّهَ الإِلَهُ سَنَاهَا
عَنْ دُجَى كُلِّ صَاحَبٍ مَذَّاقِ
19. A companionship which built intimacy gazed upon
By the breaths of God with glances
١٩. صُحْبَةٌ بَنَتْ قُرْبَةً لَحَظَتْهَا
نَفَحَاتُ الإِلَهِ بِالأَحْدَاقِ
20. God has multiplied your nobility and quenched us
By your hands with a cup of subtle meanings
٢٠. كَثَّرَ اللهُ فَضْلَكُمْ وَسَقَانَا
بِيَدَيْكُمْ كَأْسَ الْمَعَانِي الرِّقَاقِ
21. And made last the purest prayer upon the Chosen One
Ta Ha, like musk in valuations
٢١. وَأَدَامَ أَزْكَى الصَّلاَةِ عَلَى الْمُخْ
تَارِ طَهَ كَالْمِسْكِ فِي الأَحْقَاقِ
22. And upon his family and companions
Generously and their followers with excellent harmony.
٢٢. وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَأَصْحَابِهِ طُ
رًّا وَأَتْبَاعِهِمْ بِحُسْنِ اتِّفَاقِ