
We drank from a flask, my companion

شربنا من سري يحمدي

1. We drank from a flask, my companion
Affection in the past without any ill

١. شَرِبْنَا مِنْ سَرِيٍّ يَحْمَدِيِّ
وِدَاداً فِي الْقَدِيمِ بِغَيْرِ شَيِّ

2. Except an old covenant already fulfilled
With understanding devoid of any wrong

٢. سِوَى عَهْدٍ قَدِيمٍ قَدْ تَقَضَّى
بِمَعْرِفَةٍ خَلَتْ مِنْ كُلِّ غَيِّ

3. So it was not found wasted with him
But he protected it, protecting fine pearls

٣. فَمَا وُجِدَتْ بِِمَضْيَعَةٍ لَدَيْهِ
وَلَكِنْ صَانَهَا صَوْنَ الْحُلِيِّ

4. And adorned it with pure sincerity
As embellished poems with excellent meter

٤. وَزَيَّنَهَا بِإِخْلاَصٍ وَصِدْقٍ
كَمَا زَانَ الْقَصَائِدَ بِالرَّوِيِّ

5. He tended it without making its meadows barren
With a branding of intimacy and loyalty

٥. تَعَهَّدَهَا وَلَمْ يَجْدِبْ ثَرَاهَا
بِِوَسْمِيِّ التَّوَدُّدِ وَالْوَلِِيِّ

6. So it sprouted flowers in serenity
Flourishing with the advice of a sincere intimate

٦. فَأَنْبَتَتِ الأَزَاهِرَ فِي صَفَاءٍ
تَنِمُّ بِنُصْحِ ذِي مِقَةٍ صَفِيِّ

7. May God reward him well, for he is deserving
Of the abundant goodness of the Most High

٧. جَزَاهُ اللهُ خَيْراً فَهْوَ أَهْلٌ
لِِخَيْرِ اللهِ ذِي الطَّوْلِ الْغَنِيِّ

8. And dealt with Him in what pleases His Loftiness
A Loftiness none but the Sublime pleases

٨. وَعَامَلَهُ بِمَا يُرْضِي عُلاَهُ
عُلاً لَمْ يُرْضِهَا غَيْرُ الْعَلِيِّ

9. Thus that man, and he is a sincere ally
Truthfully deserves to be congratulated

٩. فَذَاكَ الْمَرْءُ وَهْوَ حَلِيفُ صِدْقٍ
حَقِيقٌ أَنْ يُهَنَّأَ بِالْهَنِِيِّ