1. My father's death, O Lord, consumed her heart with grief,
And revealed the sorrow I harbor within.
١. فَمَوْتُ أَبِي يَا رَبِّ أحْرَقَ فَجْعُهَا
فُؤَادِي وَأَبْدَى مَا أُكِنُّ مِنَ الْوَجْدِ
2. So be my aide, my Master, against the affliction,
That weakened me, which his death brought about.
٢. فَكُنْ سَيِّدِي عَوْناً عَلَى مَا أَتَتْ بِهِ
مُصِيبَتُهُ تِلْكَ التِي أوْهَنَتْ عَضْدِي
3. Treat him with forgiveness, pardon, and pleasure,
And deprive him not, O God, of the Garden of Eternity.
٣. وَعَامِلْهُ بِالغُفْرَانِ وَالصَّفْحِ وَالرِّضَى
وَلاَ تُحْرِمَنْهُ اللهُ مِنْ جَنَّةِ الْخُلْدِ
4. Bestow upon him abundant favor, your servant is famished,
For your grace, O He who is not miserly towards the slave.
٤. وَأَجْزِلْ قِرَاهُ إِنَّ عَبْدَكَ جَائِعٌ
لِفَضْلِكَ يَا مَنْ لاَ يَضِنُّ عَلَى الْعَبْدِ
5. By the status of the Imam of the Messengers, Muhammad,
Upon him a never-ending blessing from You.
٥. بِجَاهِ إِمَامِ الْمُرْسَلِينَ مُحَمَّدٍ
عَلَيْهِ صَلاَةٌ مِنْكَ فَاقِدَةُ الْحَدِّ
6. And send your peace upon his noble family and companions,
The helpers of mankind, who built glory through strife.
٦. وَسَلِّمْ عََلَى الآلِ الكِرامِ وَصَحْبِهِ
غُيوثِ النَّدى بَانِي ذُرَى المَجْدِ بِالجِدِّ