1. Let loose the steeds of the moment in the valley,
The bright stars have flickered over it and diffused their scent.
١. سَرِّحْ جِيَادَ الَّلحْظِ فيِ ذِي الْبِطَاحْ
قَدْ عَرْبَدَ النُّوَّارُ فِيهَا فَفاحْ
2. And look upon the garden in its raiment,
Divested of it by the sun of this morn.
٢. وانْظُرْ إِلىَ الْبُسْتَانِ فِي حُلَّةٍ
قَدْ ذَهَّبَتْهَا شمْسُ هَذا الصبَاحْ
3. Its branches flourished with the light,
And the nightingale trilled over it and cried out.
٣. وَأَيْنَعَتْ بِالنَّوْرِ أَفْنَانُهُ
فَغَرَّدَ الْقُمْرِي عَلَيْها وَصاحْ
4. Comfort has come and sorrow has fled,
Misfortune has departed and success arrived.
٤. قَدْ أَقْبَلَ الأُنْسُ وَفَرًّ الأَسَى
وَأَدْبَرَ النَّحْسُ وَجَاءَ النَّجَاحْ
5. So drink the potion of joys in its shade,
For there is no sin in its cups.
٥. فَاشْرَبْ طِلَى الأَفْراحِ في ظِلِّهِ
فَلَيْسَ في كَاسَاتِهَا مِنْ جُناحْ