
To the tailor Abdullah we came,

إلى الخياط عبد الله جئنا

1. To the tailor Abdullah we came,
The friend of God and happiness we brought.

١. إَلَى الْخَيَّاطِ عَبْدِ اللهِ جِئْنَا
وَلِيِّ الَّلهِ وَالإِسْعَادِ مَعْنَا

2. We trust in his grace, for grace abounds in him,
A gift from one whose speech and meaning excelled.

٢. نُؤَمِّلُ فَضْلَهُ وَالْفَضْلُ فِيهِ
سَجِيَّةُ مَنْ عَلاَ لَفْظاً وَمَعْنَى

3. Good tidings came to us, laughing,
And hopes were fulfilled by destiny's decree.

٣. فَوَافَتْنَا الْبَشَائِرُ ضَاحِكَاتٍ
وَقَابَلَنَا مِنَ الآمَالِ مَجْنَى

4. It was our patron who guided and gave freely,
And enriched those who sought rest and refuge.

٤. أَمَوْلاَنَا الذِي أَهْدَى وَأَسْدَى
وَأَغْنَى مَنْ أَنَاخَ بِهِ وَأَقْنَى

5. Circling your sanctuary of glory, pleasure we found,
And at the hill of your nobility, we stood.

٥. بِكَعْبَةِ مَجْدِكُمْ لُذْنَا وَطُفْنَا
وَفِي عَرَفَاتِ عُرْفِكُمْ وَقَفْنَا

6. Between the pillars of your great works, we hastened,
And at its markings, we declared God's greatness.

٦. وَبَيْنَ صَفَا مَعَالِمِكُمْ سَعَيْنَا
وَكَبَّرْنَا بِمَشْعَرِهَا فَفُزْنَا

7. In the valley of your shelter, we stayed,
Setting down our burdens, we rested.

٧. وَفِي حَصْبَا الْمُحَصَّبِ مِنْ حِمَاكُمْ
نَزَلْنَا وَالْعَنَا فِيهِ أَنَخْنَا

8. And upon reaching the hopes' destination,
At your tomb of feasts, we recovered.

٨. وَعِنْدَ وُصُولِنَا لِمُنَى الأَمَانِي
ضَرِيحِكَ مَوْئِدِ الرَّاجِي اسْتَرَحْنَا

9. Casting our troubles like stones, peace we attained,
Sacrificing the camel of our misery.

٩. رَمَيْنَا الْجَمْرَ فِيهِ جِمَارَ وَجْدٍ
وَبُدْنَ شَقَائِنَا الشَّاقِي نَحَرْنَا

10. Relief allowed us to gain respite,
Healing our souls from past troubles.

١٠. فَحَلَّ لَنَا التَّرَفُّهُ فَاقْتَرَحْنَا
فَطِبْنَا أَنْفُساً مِمَّا طَرِبْنَا

11. We said, our Guarantor will grant what we seek,
Your generosity which enriches meaning.

١١. وَقُلْنَا وَالْكَفِيلُ بِمَا طَلَبْنَا
سَخَاؤُكُمُ الذِي أَغْنَى الْمُعَنَّى

12. So fulfill our hopes and rain down upon us,
From the clouds of your kindness, ample gifts.

١٢. أَلاَ أَنْجِزْ مَطَالِبَنَا وَأَسْبِلْ
عَلَيْنَا مِنْ سَحَابِ جَدَاكَ مُزْنَا

13. Remove from us the harms of this life,
And grant us what we hope for from you.

١٣. أَمِطْ عَنَّا أَذَى الدُّنْيَا وَأَهْدِي
لَنَا مِمَّا نُؤَمِّلُ مِنْكَ بُدْنَا

14. With the good and honor you possess,
Help us attain glory's lofty meaning.

١٤. بِمَا تَحْوِيهِ مِنْ خَيْرٍ وَخِيرٍ
وَعِزٍّ بَاهِرِ الْمَعْنَى أَعِنَّا

15. Else the Most High will dispute us,
Chiding when we err and slip.

١٥. وَإِلاَّ فَالْعَلاَءُ لَنَا خَصِيمٌ
يُوَبِّخُنَا إِذَا أُبْنَا وَخِبْنَا

16. Bestower of gifts, grace us,
And ward off our restless longing.

١٦. أَلاَ يَا بَذْلَهُ الْمَبْذُولَ حُطْنَا
وَذُدْ عَنَّا التَّلَهُّفَ حَيْثُ عَنَّى

17. Distributor of bounty from your affluence,
Come down upon my grieving heart.

١٧. وَيَا رَيَّا الْمَوَاهِبِ مِنْ ثَرَاهُ
أَلاَ هِبِّي عَلَى أَحْشَاءِ مُضْنَى

18. Rouse me, wrestle me, enliven
My heart which is full of cares.

١٨. وَنَافِحْنِي وَطَارِحْنِي وَأَحْيِ
قُلَيْبِي إِنَّهُ بِالْهَمِّ يُعْنَى

19. You are my plea, my guide
To the refuge of your heights, most sublime.

١٩. إِلَيْكَ وَسِيلَتِي مَنْ قَدْ هَدَانِي
إِلَى مَغْنَى عُلاَكَ أَجَلِّ مَغْنَى

20. He who revealed your brilliance and chose you,
And let you taste the wine of love from us.

٢٠. وَمَنْ أَبْدَى سَنَاكُمْ وَاصْطَفَاكُمْ
فَأَنْهَلَكُمْ بِكَأْسِ الْوُدِّ مَنَّا

21. Who made your secrets manifest to all,
And made your tomb inviolable sanctuary.

٢١. وَأَبْدَى سِرَّكُمْ لِلنَّاسِ جَهْراً
وَصَيَّرَ قَبْرَكُمْ حَرَماً وَحِصْنَا

22. For the one sent as mercy to mankind,
A prayer of comfort and safety.

٢٢. عَلَى مَبْعُوثِهِ لِلنَّاسِ طُرّاً
صَلاَةٌ تَقْتَضِي أُنْساً وَأَمْناً

23. And his family, companions, and followers,
Who fortified faith's edifice.

٢٣. وَآلِهِ وَالصِّحَابِ وَتَابِعِيهِمْ
وَمَنْ أَعْلَى لِدِينِ اللهِ رُكْنَا

24. A delicate prayer which gently blows,
Upon them forever more.

٢٤. صَلاَةٌ لَدْنَةُ النَّسَمَاتِ تَتْرَى
عَلَيْهِمْ مَا ثَنَى النَّسَمَانُ غُصْنَا