
Time's vicissitudes have confused me, and betrayal has taken root

دهتني صروف الدهر وانتشب الغدر

1. Time's vicissitudes have confused me, and betrayal has taken root,
And who is there amongst people whom time treats purely?

١. دَهَتني صُروفُ الدَهرِ وَاِنتَشَبَ الغَدرُ
وَمَن ذا الَّذي في الناسِ يَصفو لَهُ الدَهرُ

2. And how many misfortunes have befallen me, one after another,
I overcame them, and harm never touched me,

٢. وَكَم طَرَقَتني نَكبَةٌ بَعدَ نَكبَةٍ
فَفَرَّجتُها عَنّي وَما مَسَّني ضُرُّ

3. Were it not for my teeth and sword and my determination,
The Abs would not have been mentioned nor gained pride,

٣. وَلَولا سِناني وَالحُسامُ وَهِمَّتي
لَما ذُكِرَت عَبسٌ وَلا نالَها فَخرُ

4. I built them a lofty abode of glory,
To which the locust, hoopoe and pard bow down,

٤. بَنَيتُ لَهُم بَيتاً رَفيعاً مِنَ العُلا
تَخُرُّ لَهُ الجَوزاءُ وَالفَرغُ وَالغَفرُ

5. And now today I depart from them while our matter
Is to Him to whom belongs, in His creation, prohibition and command

٥. وَها قَد رَحَلتُ اليَومَ عَنهُم وَأَمرُنا
إِلى مَن لَهُ في خَلقِهِ النَهيُ وَالأَمرُ

6. My people will remember me when horses charge,
And on a dark night the full moon is missed,

٦. سَيَذكُرُني قَومي إِذا الخَيلُ أَقبَلَت
وَفي اللَيلَةِ الظَلماءِ يُفتَقَدُ البَدرُ

7. They fault my colour as black out of ignorance,
And were it not for night's darkness, dawn would not rise,

٧. يَعيبونَ لَوني بِالسَوادِ جَهالَةً
وَلَولا سَوادُ اللَيلِ ما طَلَعَ الفَجرُ

8. And if my colour be dark, my qualities are white,
And from my palms descends the falling rain,

٨. وَإِن كانَ لَوني أَسوَداً فَخَصائِلي
بَياضٌ وَمِن كَفَّيَّ يُستَنزَلُ القَطرُ

9. I have erased the memory of those who passed away,
And I blocked up the pass, no Zayd and no Amr are talked about.

٩. مَحَوتُ بِذِكري في الوَرى ذِكرَ مَن مَضى
وَسُدتُ فَلا زَيدٌ يُقالُ وَلا عَمروُ