
This is the fire of Ubla, O my boon companion

هذه نار عبلة يا نديمي

1. This is the fire of Ubla, O my boon companion
It has illuminated the darkness of the beastly gloom

١. هَذِهِ نارُ عَبلَةٍ يا نَديمي
قَد جَلَت ظُلمَةَ الظَلامِ البَهيمِ

2. It crackles, and likewise so does the fire of yearning in my heart
A fire of passion that grows more intense with feeding

٢. تَتَلَظّى وَمِثلُها في فُؤادي
نارُ شَوقٍ تَزدادُ بِالتَضريمِ

3. A white flame ignited by it sways like a bough
When it bends with the blowing of the gentle breeze

٣. أَضرَمَتها بَيضاءُ تَهتَزُّ كَالغُص
نِ إِذا ما اِنثَنى بِمَرِّ النَسيمِ

4. And its breaths have perfumed us with the
Scents of sandalwood, so we slept in bliss

٤. وَكَسَتهُ أَنفاسُها أَرَجَ ال
نَدِّ فَبِتنا مِن طيبِها في نَعيمِ

5. Its sparks are more delicious than honey
When bees store it after sucking flower nectar

٥. كاعِبٌ ريقُها أَلَذُّ مِنَ الشَه
دِ إِذا ما زَجَتهُ بِنتُ الكُرومِ

6. Whenever I taste something cool of its flames
I find it in my mouth like the fire of hell

٦. كُلَّما ذُقتُ بارِداً مِن لَماها
خِلتُهُ في فَمي كَنارِ الجَحيمِ

7. The moon stole its beauty and borrowed
The magic of its eyelids from the blinking planets

٧. سَرَقَ البَدرُ حُسنَها وَاِستَعارَت
سِحرَ أَجفانِها ظِباءُ الصَريمِ

8. And my passion for it is lasting passion
And my torment from lasting passion is lasting

٨. وَغَرامي بِها غَرامٌ مُقيمٌ
وَعَذابي مِنَ الغَرامِ المُقيمِ

9. And my dependence is on Him who, whenever
I look at my humiliation, increases my esteem

٩. وَاِتِّكالي عَلى الَّذي كُلَّما أَب
صَرَ ذُلّي يَزيدُ في تَعظيمي

10. And my aide against adversities is a lion
He is my stockpile and relief for my worries

١٠. وَمُعيني عَلى النَوائِبِ لَيثٌ
هُوَ ذُخري وَفارِجٌ لِهُمومي

11. A King to whom kings bow down when
His name is mentioned and profess sanctity

١١. مَلِكٌ تَسجُدُ المُلوكُ لِذِكرا
هُ وَتومي إِلَيهِ بِالتَفخيمِ

12. And when He travels, death precedes Him
Towards His enemies before the Day of Arising

١٢. وَإِذا سارَ سابَقَتهُ المَنايا
نَحوَ أَعداهُ قَبلَ يَومِ القُدومِ