1. Stop awhile at the abodes - should their wastes sadden you -
Haply your eyes may shed the drops of tears.
١. قِف بِالمَنازِلِ إِن شَجَتكَ رُبوعُها
فَلَعَلَّ عَينَكَ تَستَهِلُّ دُموعُها
2. Ask of their news - whither their lords have sped
And when they shall return - there was a home
٢. وَاِسأَل عَنِ الأَظعانِ أَينَ سَرَت بِها
آباؤُها وَمَتى يَكونُ رُجوعُها
3. For Ubil at a coast turned away from your course -
She went in haste, so her retreating figure diminished from your sight,
٣. دارٌ لِعَبلَةَ شَطَّ عَنكَ مَزارُها
وَنَأَت فَفارَقَ مُقلَتَيكَ هُجوعُها
4. Then, O land, lush and soft, she watered you, flooding,
With tears that poured from her, freely flowing.
٤. فَسَقَتكِ يا أَرضَ الشَرَبَّةِ مُزنَةٌ
مُنهَلَّةٌ يَروي ثَراكِ هُموعُها
5. When, in the spring the meadows were mantled by its flowers' robes,
The land glowed when spring decked it with finery.
٥. وَكَسا الرَبيعُ رُباكِ مِن أَزهارِهِ
حُلَلاً إِذا ما الأَرضُ فاحَ رَبيعُها
6. How many a dear night I spent with a fair one, lithe of form,
Sheltering one who revived, when night fell, her languishing lover nigh.
٦. كَم لَيلَةٍ عانَقتُ فيها غادَةً
يَحيا بِها عِندَ المَنامِ ضَجيعُها
7. A sun, whose rising I greet on bended knee
In awe before its glory, dissipating the shadows of night by its rising light.
٧. شَمسٌ إِذا طَلَعَت سَجَدتُ جَلالَةً
لِجَمالِها وَجَلا الظَلامَ طُلوعُها
8. O Ubil, fear not for me the foe, what day
Their hordes attack me, with chaos and confusion.
٨. يا عَبلَ لا تَخشَي عَلَيَّ مِنَ العِدا
يَوماً إِذا اِجتَمَعَت عَلَيَّ جُموعُها
9. For death, O Ubaylah, is loss and cross,
While I and my spear are its root and trunk.
٩. إِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ يا عُبَيلَةُ دَوحَةٌ
وَأَنا وَرُمحي أَصلُها وَفُروعُها
10. On the morrow I pass by the foreigners' abodes
With a cup more bitter to drink than poison deadly in its effect,
١٠. وَغَداً يَمُرُّ عَلى الأَعاجِمِ مِن يَدي
كَأسٌ أَمَرُّ مِنَ السُمومِ نَقيعُها
11. Smiting them a blow to abase their lords, at which falls
Grey-haired and suckling alike, with no distinction between dignitary and commoner.
١١. وَأُذيقُها طَعناً تَذِلُّ لِوَقعِهِ
ساداتُها وَيَشيبُ مِنهُ رَضيعُها
12. When Cyrus's armoured companies swarmed against me,
Revealing feelings hidden deep within their breasts,
١٢. وَإِذا جُيوشُ الكِسرَوِيِّ تَبادَرَت
نَحوي وَأَبدَت ما تُكِنُّ ضُلوعُها
13. I battled them until I was wearied, and they complained
Of the choking clouds of dust, raised by paupers and princes.
١٣. قاتَلتُها حَتّى تَمَلَّ وَيَشتَكي
كُرَبَ الغُبارِ رَفيعُها وَوَضيعُها
14. Then to our lions was their meat,
Their steeds and mail became the booty for us, their slayers.
١٤. فَيَكونُ لِلأُسدِ الضَواري لَحمُها
وَلِمَن صَحِبنا خَيلُها وَدُروعُها
15. O Ubil, would that death had been depicted,
It would have prostrated itself before me, bowing in worship.
١٥. يا عَبلَ لَو أَنَّ المَنِيَّةَ صُوِّرَت
لَغَدا إِلَيَّ سُجودُها وَرُكوعُها
16. I had smitten amongst souls with my sword, destroying,
Whomsoever answered not its speech or disobeyed its commands.
١٦. وَسَطَت بِسَيفي في النُفوسِ مُبيدَةً
مَن لا يُجيبُ مَقالَها وَيُطيعُها