
May God reward the brave with the reward of sincerity

جزى الله الأغر جزاء صدق

1. May God reward the brave with the reward of sincerity
When the fires of wars are kindled

١. جَزى اللَهُ الأَغَرَّ جَزاءَ صِدقٍ
إِذا ما أوقِدَت نارُ الحُروبِ

2. My certainty is in his forehead and shoulders
And I will support him with the constant blows

٢. يَقيني بِالجَبينِ وَمَنكِبَيهِ
وَأَنصُرُهُ بِمُطَّرَدِ الكُعوبِ

3. And I will warm him when the north wind blows
A cold night after the south wind

٣. وَأُدفِئُهُ إِذا هَبَّت شَمالاً
بَليلاً حَرجَفاً بَعدَ الجَنوبِ

4. I see the people of that when he strives
The shepherds of the neighborhood in search of milk

٤. أَراهُ أَهلَ ذَلِكَ حينَ يَسعى
رُعاءُ الحَيِّ في طَلَبِ الحَلوبِ

5. He sometimes fails and sometimes benefits
And he grieves the resentful with doubt

٥. فَيُخفِقُ تارَةً وَيُفيدُ أُخرى
وَيَفجَعُ ذا الضَغائِنِ بِالأَريبِ

6. When the brave fattens, the meeting approaches
That annoys the old man with fresh milk

٦. إِذا سَمِنَ الأَغَرُّ دَنا لِقاءٌ
يُغِصُّ الشَيخَ بِاللَبَنِ الحَليبِ

7. Strong, broad-shouldered, a soft body
In it the traces of fangs are like woodlice

٧. شَديدُ مَجالِزِ الكَتِفَينِ نَهدٌ
بِهِ أَثَرُ الأَسِنَّةِ كَالعُلوبِ

8. And I force him to the heroes until
He is seen like purple dye

٨. وَأُكرِهُهُ عَلى الأَبطالِ حَتّى
يُرى كَالأُرجُوانِيِّ المَجوبِ

9. Are you not my friend the day we met
With a sword and my friend the day of the dune

٩. أَلَستَ بِصاحِبي يَومَ اِلتَقَينا
بِسَيفَ وَصاحِبي يَومَ الكَثيبِ