
Your torment, daughter of nobles, is easy

عذابك يا ابنة السادات سهل

1. Your torment, daughter of nobles, is easy,
And your father's tyranny is justice and equity.

١. عَذابُكَ يا اِبنَةَ الساداتِ سَهلُ
وَجورُ أَبيكِ إِنصافٌ وَعَدلُ

2. So be unjust and seek to kill me, oppress me,
And torture me, for I do not hope,

٢. فَجوروا وَاِطلُبوا قَتلي وَظُلمي
وَتَعذيبي فَإِنّي لا أَمَلُّ

3. Nor become tranquil, nor reconcile with enemies.
My nobles have pride and favour.

٣. وَلا أَسلو وَلا أَشفي الأَعادي
فَساداتي لَهُم فَخرٌ وَفَضلُ

4. A people who have brought us to a place,
Above the heights, above the stars rising high.

٤. أُناسٌ أَنزَلونا في مَكانٍ
مِنَ العَلياءِ فَوقَ النَجمِ يَعلو

5. When they were unjust we were just in their passion,
And if they were mighty due to their might we submitted.

٥. إِذا جاروا عَدَلنا في هَواهُم
وَإِن عَزّوا لِعِزِّتِهِم نَذِلُّ

6. How can I have resolve when my body—
You see—has diminished leaving the lesser part?

٦. وَكَيفَ يَكونُ لي عَزمٌ وَجِسمي
تَراهُ قَد بَقي مِنهُ الأَقَلُّ

7. O birds of prey, by the right of the Lord,
Blessings be upon you, perhaps you may know where they camped,

٧. فَيا طَيرَ الأَراكِ بِحَقِّ رَبٍّ
بَراكَ عَساكَ تَعلَمُ أَينَ حَلّوا

8. And release a lover from the captivity of a people
For whom his love holds captivity and anguish.

٨. وَتُطلِقُ عاشِقاً مِن أَسرِ قَومٍ
لَهُ في حُبِّهِم أُسُرٌ وَغُلُّ

9. They call me while the horses of death run.
Your place cannot be matched by any place.

٩. يُنادوني وَخَيلُ المَوتِ تَجري
مَحَلُّكَ لا يُعادِلُهُ مَحَلُّ

10. And now they criticise me for my mother
And my complexion whenever they gather and pitch camp.

١٠. وَقَد أَمسَوا يَعيبوني بِأُمّي
وَلَوني كُلَّما عَقَدوا وَحَلّوا

11. The turns of fate have become despicable to me
And its people have become despicable and few to me.

١١. لَقَد هانَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ عِندي
وَهانَت أَهلُهُ عِندي وَقَلّوا

12. And I have in every battle a narrative
When the heroes hear it they submit.

١٢. وَلي في كُلِّ مَعرَكَةٍ حَديثٌ
إِذا سَمِعَت بِهِ الأَبطالُ ذَلّوا

13. I severed their necks and captured many of them
While they in their great numbers thought little of it.

١٣. قَطَعتُ رِقابَهُم وَأَسَرتُ مِنهُم
وَهُم في عُظمِ جَمعِهِمِ اِستَقَلّوا

14. And I protected the women with the edge of my sword
While my enemies in their great fear turned in retreat.

١٤. وَأَحصَنتُ النِساءَ بِحَدِّ سَيفي
وَأَعدائي لِعُظمِ الخَوفِ فَلّوا

15. I would arouse the din and the horses would charge
Heavily with the horsemen, they do not tire.

١٥. أُثيرُ عَجاجَها وَالخَيلُ تَجري
ثِقالاً بِالفَوارِسِ لا تَمَلُّ

16. And I would return while they have retreated lightly,
Confused by the complaints, recoiling.

١٦. وَأَرجِعُ وَهيَ قَد وَلَّت خِفاف
مُحَيَّرَةً مِنَ الشَكوى تَكِلُّ

17. And I would be content with humiliation among people
Whose rights I observe even if they made my murder licit.

١٧. وَأَرضى بِالإِهانَةِ مَع أُناسٍ
أُراعيهِم وَلَو قَتلي أَحَلّوا

18. And I would be patient for the beloved even if he is unkind to me
And I do not leave his love nor do I become tranquil.

١٨. وَأَصبُرُ لِلحَبيبِ وَإِن جَفاني
وَلَم أَترُك هَواهُ وَلَستُ أَسلو

19. Perhaps time will favour me with closeness
And after estrangement the bitter life becomes sweet.

١٩. عَسى الأَيّامُ تُنعِمُ لي بِقُربٍ
وَبَعدَ الهَجرِ مُرُّ العَيشِ يَحلو