1. When my opponents demand a debt from me,
I repay the debt with my long, slender spear.
١. إِذا خَصمي تَقاضاني بِدَينِ
قَضَيتُ الدَينَ بِالرُمحِ الرُدَيني
2. The edge of my sword satisfies us all,
And judges fairly between you and me.
٢. وَحَدُّ السَيفِ يُرضينا جَميعاً
وَيَحكُمُ بَينَكُم عَدلاً وَبَيني
3. You ignoble people do not know my worth,
Though the heroic know it well.
٣. جَهِلتُم يا بَني الأَنذالِ قَدري
وَقَد عَرَفَتهُ أَهلُ الخافِقينَ
4. No youngster has demolished my pillar,
Nor has old age reached out to my prime.
٤. وَما هَدَمَت يَدُ الحِدثانِ رُكني
وَلا اِمتَدَّت إِلَيَّ بَنانُ حَيني
5. With my sword and the tips of my spears
I rose above the horizon of Suhā and Farqadayn.
٥. عَلَوتُ بِصارِمي وَسِنانِ رُمحي
عَلى أُفقِ السُها وَالفَرقَدَينِ
6. I left my challenger in the middle of the desert,
Smudging his cheek and his companions.
٦. وَغادَرتُ المُبارِزَ وَسطَ قَفرٍ
يُعَفِّرُ خَدَّهُ وَالعارِضينَ
7. And how many horsemen by my sword
Became severed heads with bloody hands.
٧. وَكَم مِن فارِسٍ أَضحى بِسَيفي
هَشيمَ الرَأسِ مَخضوبَ اليَدَينِ
8. Vultures of death hover above them
And ravens gather around them.
٨. يَحومُ عَلَيهِ عِقبانُ المَنايا
وَتَحجُلُ حَولَهُ غِربانُ بَينِ
9. Another escapes, horrified by my person,
His tears flowing copiously.
٩. وَآخَرُ هارِبٌ مِن هَولِ شَخصي
وَقَد أَجرى دُموعَ المُقلَتَينِ
10. Soon I will destroy all of you with my patience,
My banner will be raised and my eye soothed.
١٠. وَسَوفَ أُبيدُ جَمعَكُمُ بِصَبري
وَيَطفا لاعِجي وَتَقَرُّ عَيني