
We met on a dusty day, a small raiding party

لقينا يوم صهباء سريه

1. We met on a dusty day, a small raiding party
Eager for battle against them in the fray

١. لَقينا يَومَ صَهباءٍ سَرِيَّه
حَناظِلَةً لَهُم في الحَربِ نِيَّه

2. We met them with sharp iron swords
And lions who never flee the battleground

٢. لَقيناهُم بِأَسيافٍ حِدادٍ
وَأُسدٍ لا تَفِرُّ مِنَ المَنِيَّه

3. Their chief was at that time a fierce lion
A veteran who cared not for calamity

٣. وَكانَ زَعيمُهُم إِذ ذاكَ لَيثاً
هِزَبراً لا يُبالي بِالرَزِيَّه

4. We left him lying in the middle of the field
And here I am, seeking to kill the rest

٤. فَخَلَّفناهُ وَسطَ القاعِ مُلقىً
وَها أَنا طالِبٌ قَتلَ البَقِيَّه

5. We went with our swords driving into them
To the folds of intricate hidden valleys

٥. وَرُحنا بِالسُيوفِ نَسوقُ فيهِم
إِلى رَبَواتِ مُعضِلَةٍ خَفِيَّه

6. And how many cavaliers among them did we leave
Slain by our swords that stab and pierce

٦. وَكَم مِن فارِسٍ مِنهُم تَرَكنا
عَلَيهِ مِن صَوارِمِنا قَضِيَّه

7. Our horsemen are the Bani Abs and we
Are the battle lions amongst the nomads

٧. فَوارِسُنا بَنو عَبسٍ وَإِنّا
لُيوثُ الحَربِ ما بَينَ البَرِيَّه

8. We excel at spearing with tall lances
And striking with our raised swords

٨. نُجيدُ الطَعنَ بِالسُمرِ العَوالي
وَنَضرِبُ بِالسُيوفِ المَشرَفِيَّه

9. We shoe our steeds in every battle
With the bloodied forelocks of noblemen

٩. وَنُنعِلُ خَيلَنا في كُلِّ حَربٍ
مِنَ الساداتِ أَقحافاً دَمِيَّه

10. And on the day of giving, we grant what we own
Of wealth and the most radiant blessings

١٠. وَيَومَ البَذلِ نُعطي ما مَلَكنا
مِنَ الأَموالِ وَالنِعَمِ البَهِيَّه

11. We are the just ones when we judge
And we care for the commoners

١١. وَنَحنُ العادِلونَ إِذا حَكَمنا
وَنَحنُ المُشفِقونَ عَلى الرَعِيَّه

12. We are the equitable ones when called
To thrust with spears that pierce and spill blood

١٢. وَنَحنُ المُنصِفونَ إِذا دُعينا
إِلى طَعنِ الرِماحِ السَمهَرِيَّه

13. We are the victors when we charge
With the nimble-bodied limping horses

١٣. وَنَحنُ الغالِبونَ إِذا حَمَلنا
عَلى الخَيلِ الجِيادِ الأَعوَجِيَّه

14. And we are the ones who ignite every battle
And urge it on with ardent hearts

١٤. وَنَحنُ الموقِدونَ لِكُلِّ حَربٍ
وَنَصلاها بِأَفئِدَةٍ جَرِيَّه

15. We filled the land with awe of our rule
And made even Kisra's kings fearful

١٥. مَلَأنا الأَرضَ خَوفاً مِن سَطانا
وَهابَتنا المُلوكُ الكِسرَوِيَّه

16. Ask the Levant about us and
The horsemen of Caesar's royal court

١٦. سَلوا عَنّا دِيارَ الشامِ طُرّاً
وَفُرسانَ المُلوكِ القَيصَرِيَّه

17. I am the servant raised in the land of Abs
With a spirit of self-pride and dignity

١٧. أَنا العَبدُ الَّذي بِدِيارِ عَبسٍ
رَبيتُ بِعِزَّةِ النَفسِ الأَبِيَّه

18. Ask al-Nu'man about me the day
The cavaliers of the burning alliance came

١٨. سَلوا النُعمانَ عَنّي يَومَ جاءَت
فَوارِسُ عُصبَةِ النارِ الحَمِيَّه

19. I set up the market of death with my sword
And attained by my demise the highest titles

١٩. أَقَمتُ بِصارِمي سوقَ المَنايا
وَنِلتُ بِذابِلي الرُتَبَ العَلِيَّه