1. When time unveils its mask to you
And the turns of fate offer you their wares,
١. إِذا كَشَفَ الزَمانُ لَكَ القِناعا
وَمَدَّ إِلَيكَ صَرفُ الدَهرِ باعا
2. Fear not death and its meeting,
Repel it as much as you're able.
٢. فَلا تَخشَ المَنيَّةَ وَاِلقَيَنها
وَدافِع ما اِستَطَعتَ لَها دِفاعا
3. Choose not a bed of silk,
Nor mourn the houses and lands.
٣. وَلا تَختَر فِراشاً مِن حَريرٍ
وَلا تَبكِ المَنازِلَ وَالبِقاعا
4. Women around you wail in sorrow
As they rend their veils and gowns.
٤. وَحَولَكَ نِسوَةٌ يَندُبنَ حُزناً
وَيَهتِكنَ البَراقِعَ وَاللِفاعا
5. The doctor tells you "I have your cure at hand
If you extend your palm and arm."
٥. يَقولُ لَكَ الطَبيبُ دَواكَ عِندي
إِذا ما جَسَّ كَفَّكَ وَالذِراعا
6. If the doctor knew a cure for illness
That could defy the grip of death,
٦. وَلَو عَرَفَ الطَبيبُ دَواءَ داءٍ
يَرُدُّ المَوتَ ما قاسى النِزاعا
7. On the day we come to our maker,
Our deeds will speak of what we were.
٧. وَفي يَومِ المَصانِعِ قَد تَرَكنا
لَنا بِفِعالِنا خَبَراً مُشاعا
8. We set up in this life a market of war,
And made souls into merchandise.
٨. أَقَمنا بِالذَوابِلِ سوقَ حَربٍ
وَصَيَّرنا النُفوسَ لَهَ مَتاعا
9. My steed was a broker of death,
Who charged through its dust, buying and selling.
٩. حِصاني كانَ دَلّالَ المَنايا
فَخاضَ غُبارَها وَشَرى وَباعَ
10. My sword in battle was a healer
Who cured the headache of him who complained.
١٠. وَسَيفي كانَ في الهَيجا طَبيباً
يُداوي رَأسَ مَن يَشكو الصُداعا
11. I am the slave you've heard of,
And now that you see me, cease your hearing.
١١. أَنا العَبدُ الَّذي خُبِّرتَ عَنهُ
وَقَد عايَنتَني فَدَعِ السَماعا
12. Had I sent my spear along with a coward
My awe would make him face lions.
١٢. وَلَو أَرسَلتُ رُمحي مَع جَبانٍ
لَكانَ بِهَيبَتي يَلقى السِباعا
13. I filled the earth with dread of my blade,
And my foe found no breadth in it to spread.
١٣. مَلَأتُ الأَرضَ خَوفاً مِن حُسامي
وَخَصمي لَم يَجِد فيها اِتِّساعا
14. When champions flee from my might
You see the horizons shrink to yards or arms.
١٤. إِذا الأَبطالُ فَرَّت خَوفَ بَأسي
تَرى الأَقطارَ باعاً أَو ذِراعا