
Without your embrace and kiss,

أمسحل دون ضمك والعناق

1. Without your embrace and kiss,
I am pierced by the sharp tongue of the cultivated one,

١. أَمِسحَلُ دونَ ضَمِّكَ وَالعِناقِ
طِعانٌ بِالمُثَقَّفَةِ الدِقاقِ

2. And the strike of a valiant hand like a noble lion
Surpassing the comrades.

٢. وَضَربَةُ فَيصَلٍ مِن كَفِّ لَيثٍ
كَريمِ الجَدِّ فاقَ عَلى الرِفاقِ

3. Without Ubaylah, striking the meadows
And his thrust that makes the waterholes bleed.

٣. وَدونَ عُبَيلَةٍ ضَربُ المَواضي
وَطَعنٌ مِنهُ تَكتَحِلُ المَآقي

4. I am the hero whom you were told about,
And my fame spread in all horizons.

٤. أَنا البَطَلُ الَّذي خُبِّرتَ عَنهُ
وَذِكري شاعَ في كُلِّ الأَفاقِ

5. When the coward boasts with spending money,
My pride is in the hidden virtues.

٥. إِذا اِفتَخَرَ الجَبانُ بِبَذلِ مالٍ
فَفَخري بِالمُضَمَّرَةِ العِتاقِ

6. And if the horsemen stab the chest of an opponent,
My stab is in the necks and the shoulders.

٦. وَإِن طَعَنَ الفَوارِسُ صَدرَ خَصمٍ
فَطَعني في النُحورِ وَفي التَراقي

7. And I have preceded in every merit,
So who can climb like me the high places?

٧. وَإِنّي قَد سَبَقتُ لِكُلِّ فَضلٍ
فَهَل مَن يَرتَقي مِثلي المَراقي

8. Inform Kindah what you see,
Of fighting soon with Muhaqiq.

٨. أَلا فَاِخبِر لِكِندَةَ ما تَراهُ
قَريباً مِن قِتالٍ مَع مُحاقِ

9. And advise them with what you choose among them,
For you have no return after the encounter.

٩. وَأَوصِهِم بِما تَختارُ مِنهُم
فَما لَكَ رَجعَةٌ بَعدَ التَلاقي