
I yearn for the clashing of swift swords,

أحن إلى ضرب السيوف القواضب

1. I yearn for the clashing of swift swords,
And I aspire for the thrusting of slender spears,

١. أَحِنُّ إِلى ضَربِ السُيوفِ القَواضِبِ
وَأَصبو إِلى طَعنِ الرِماحِ اللَواعِبِ

2. And I long for cups of death when they are passed around,
And arrows of calamity circle around my head,

٢. وَأَشتاقُ كاساتِ المَنونِ إِذا صَفَت
وَدارَت عَلى رَأسي سِهامُ المَصائِبِ

3. And I am thrilled when horses stumble in the battle,
By the specter of death and the bustling of processions,

٣. وَيُطرِبُني وَالخَيلُ تَعثُرُ بِالقَنا
حُداةُ المَنايا وَاِرتِعاجُ المَواكِبِ

4. And the striking and stabbing under the shade of a canopy,
Like the wings of nightfall from the clamor of marauding hands,

٤. وَضَربٌ وَطَعنٌ تَحتَ ظِلِّ عَجاجَةٍ
كَجُنحِ الدُجى مِن وَقعِ أَيدي السَلاهِبِ

5. The heads of the people fly under its darkness,
And within it they fall like shooting stars,

٥. تَطيرُ رُؤوسُ القَومِ تَحتَ ظَلامِها
وَتَنقَضُّ فيها كَالنُجومُ الثَواقِب

6. And the white flashes within it from every side,
Like the flashing of lightning in the darkness of the gloaming,

٦. وَتَلمَعُ فيها البيضُ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
كَلَمعِ بُروقٍ في ظَلامِ الغَياهِبِ

7. By your life, glory and pride and supremacy,
And attaining wishes and rising in ranks,

٧. لَعَمرُكَ إِنَّ المَجدَ وَالفَخرَ وَالعُلا
وَنَيلَ الأَماني وَاِرتِفاعَ المَراتِبِ

8. Are for those who face its heroes and elite,
With persevering hearts at the striking of swords,

٨. لِمَن يَلتَقي أَبطالَها وَسَراتَها
بِقَلبٍ صَبورٍ عِندَ وَقعِ المَضارِبِ

9. And build with the edge of the sword a towering glory,
In the lofty orbit above the stars,

٩. وَيَبني بِحَدِّ السَيفِ مَجداً مُشَيَّداً
عَلى فَلَكِ العَلياءِ فَوقَ الكَواكِبِ

10. And whoever does not water his spear with the blood of foes,
When the reddish-black of spears clash with the swift swords,

١٠. وَمَن لَم يُرَوِّ رُمحَهُ مِن دَمِ العِدا
إِذا اِشتَبَكَت سُمرُ القَنا بِالقَواضِبِ

11. And give the slender spear its right in battle,
And prove with the edge of the sword the breadth of shoulders,

١١. وَيُعطي القَنا الخَطِّيَّ في الحَربِ حَقَّهُ
وَيَبري بِحَدِّ السَيفِ عُرضَ المَناكِبِ

12. Will live as the disgraced lives in anguish,
And if he dies no elegy will be sung by the wailing women,

١٢. يَعيشُ كَما عاشَ الذَليلُ بِغُصَّةٍ
وَإِن ماتَ لا يُجري دُموعَ النَوادِبِ

13. The merits of resolve are not to be sold to the weak,
And the secrets of wisdom are not to be disclosed to the critic,

١٣. فَضائِلُ عَزمٍ لا تُباعُ لِضارِعٍ
وَأَسرارُ حَزمٍ لا تُذاعُ لِعائِبِ

14. With them I have always faced every calamity,
My kohl is naught but the dust of battalions,

١٤. بَرَزتُ بِها دَهراً عَلى كُلِّ حادِثٍ
وَلا كُحلَ إِلّا مِن غُبارِ الكَتائِبِ

15. When lightning deceives the critic with false flashes,
The flash of my sword is truthful and no liar,

١٥. إِذا كَذَبَ البَرقُ اللَموعُ لِشائِمٍ
فَبَرقُ حُسامي صادِقٌ غَيرُ كاذِبِ