
We came to you bearing only the banners,

نأتك رقاش إلا عن لمام

1. We came to you bearing only the banners,
While its ropes were knotted by the dew,

١. نَأَتكَ رَقاشِ إِلّا عَن لِمامِ
وَأَمسى حَبلُها خَلَقَ الرِمامِ

2. And the memory of bearing the banners was not recalled
In the abodes of Ibn Shamam.

٢. وَما ذِكرى رَقاشِ إِذا اِستَقَرَّت
لَدى الطَرفاءِ عِندَ اِبنَي شَمامِ

3. The dwelling of its people is the belly of a tree trunk
Where doves nest white as the pigeons.

٣. وَمَسكِنُ أَهلَها مِن بَطنِ جَزعٍ
تَبيضُ بِهِ مَصايِيفُ الحَمامِ

4. My friends and I stood at jujube trees
On curved branches like hooks.

٤. وَقَفتُ وَصُحبَتي بِأُرَينَباتٍ
عَلى أَقتادِ عوجٍ كَالسَمامِ

5. So I said to them, look for the grouse I see
Perching at dusk, the wings of darkness.

٥. فَقُلتُ تَبَيَّنوا ظُعُناً أَراها
تَحُلُّ شُواحِطاً جُنحَ الظَلامِ

6. Indeed your soul has granted you favors one day of strength,
Discussions of the infatuated heart,

٦. لَقَد مَنَّتكَ نَفسُكَ يَومَ قَوٍّ
أَحاديثَ الفُؤادِ المُستَهامِ

7. And your soul has lied to you, so lie to it
For as much as it favored you, a harmful deceit.

٧. وَقَد كَذَبَتكَ نَفسُكَ فَاِكذَبَنها
لِما مَنَّتكَ تَغريراً قَطامِ

8. And to a dancer I pulled back the horses from her
When she intended to throw off the reins.

٨. وَمُرقِصَةٍ رَدَدتُ الخَيلَ عَنها
وَقَد هَمَّت بِإِلقاءِ الزَمامِ

9. So I said to her, shorten your way and walk on,
For the litters are hung on the servants.

٩. فَقُلتُ لَها اِقصِري مِنهُ وَسيري
وَقَد عَلِقَ الرَجائِزُ بِالخِدامِ

10. And horses carrying heroes disheveled
On the morrow of fright like arrows.

١٠. وَخَيلٍ تَحمِلُ الأَبطالَ شُعث
غَداةَ الرَوعِ أَمثالَ السِهامِ

11. Hens taking cover over their eggs
Stirring the brooding with the death wail.

١١. عَناجيجٍ تَخُبُّ عَلى رَحاها
تُثيرُ النَقعَ بِالمَوتِ الزُؤامِ

12. To horses marked upon which are
The brave in the gloom of darkness.

١٢. إِلى خَيلٍ مُسَوَّمَةٍ عَلَيها
حُماةُ الرَوعِ في رَهَجِ القَتامِ

13. On them every stubborn tyrant
Is seen flocking to drink blood,

١٣. عَلَيها كُلَّ جَبّارٍ عَنيدٍ
إِلى شُربِ الدِماءِ تَراهُ ظامي

14. In their hands Indian swords and spears
As if their poles are flames of fire.

١٤. بِأَيديهِم مُهَنَّدَةٌ وَسُمرٌ
كَأَنَّ ظُباتِها شُعَلُ الضِرامِ

15. So they came challenging with coolness while we came
Ablaze in a valley having flames.

١٥. فَجاؤوا عارِضاً بَرداً وَجِئنا
حَريقاً في غَريفٍ ذي ضِرامِ

16. And I silenced every voice but the striking,
The stabbing and the throwing and the shooting,

١٦. وَأَسكِت كُلَّ صَوتٍ غَيرِ ضَربٍ
وَعَترَسَةٍ وَمَرمِيٍّ وَرامي

17. And I scattered their regiments with the spear in particles
Upon meadows like the expanse of darkness.

١٧. وَزَعتُ رَعيلَها بِالرُمحِ شَذراً
عَلى رَبِذٍ كَسِرحانِ الظَلامِ

18. I attack them driving my tame horse
Its necklaces the braids like tar.

١٨. أَكُرُّ عَلَيهِمُ مُهري كَليماً
قَلائِدُهُ سَبائِبُ كَالقِرامِ

19. If it pierces with a fang its hands
It meets head-on, hard of stance.

١٩. إِذا شَكَّت بِنافِذَةٍ يَداهُ
تَعَرَّضَ مَوقِفاً ضَنكَ المُقامِ

20. As if the ranks of the return of its elbows
Inherited them the axes of arrows.

٢٠. كَأَنَّ دُفوفَ مَرجِعِ مِرفَقَيهِ
تَوارَثَها مَنازيعُ السِهامِ

21. It advanced while it was concealing and harming
Its opponent with the axe of resolution.

٢١. تَقَدَّمَ وَهوَ مُضطَمِرٌ مُضِرٌّ
بِقارِحِهِ عَلى فَأسِ اللِجامِ

22. A young man from the best lineage of Abs leads it
Whose father and mother are from Ham's clan.

٢٢. يُقَدِّمُهُ فَتىً مِن خَيرِ عَبسٍ
أَبوهُ وَأُمُّهُ مِن آلِ حامِ

23. An old woman from the clan of Ham son of Noah
As if her forehead is the rock of resolve.

٢٣. عَجوزٌ مِن بَني حامِ بنِ نوحٍ
كَأَنَّ جَبينَها حَجَرُ المَقامِ