
The land of drinking is soil like ambergris

أرض الشربة تربها كالعنبر

1. The land of drinking is soil like ambergris
And its breeze flows with musk most fragrant

١. أَرضُ الشَرَبَّةِ تُربُها كَالعَنبَرِ
وَنَسيمُها يَسري بِمِسكٍ أَذفَرِ

2. And its domes contain round-faced maidens
With glances from every coquette most flirtatious

٢. وَقِبابُها تَحوي بُدوراً طُلَّعاً
مِن كُلِّ فاتِنَةٍ بِطَرفٍ أَحوَرِ

3. O Abla your love takes our minds
And softens our hearts so do not abandon

٣. يا عَبلَ حُبُّكِ سالِبٌ أَلبابَنا
وَعُقولَنا فَتَعَطَّفي لا تَهجُري

4. O Abla if I did not see you with my eyes
I would not undertake every difficult task

٤. يا عَبلَ لَولا أَن أَراكِ بِناظِري
ما كُنتُ أَلقى كُلَّ صَعبٍ مُنكَرِ

5. O Abla how many harsh battles I engaged
With a seasoned tough-limbed bay steed

٥. يا عَبلَ كَم مِن غَمرَةٍ باشَرتُها
بِمُثَقَّفٍ صُلبِ القَوائِمِ أَسمَرِ

6. I came to them as the sun was in mid-sky
The troops between vanguard and rearguard

٦. فَأَتَيتُها وَالشَمسُ في كَبَدِ السَما
وَالقَومُ بَينَ مُقَدِّمٍ وَمُؤَخِّرِ

7. They clamored so I cried out against them and they assembled
And the commander of that army approached me

٧. ضَجّوا فَصُحتُ عَلَيهِمُ فَتَجَمَّعوا
وَدَنا إِلَيَّ خَميسُ ذاكَ العَسكَرِ

8. So I lunged at this one with my spear and slayed that one
With the bare swordblade sharpest and brightest

٨. فَشَكَكتُ هَذا بِالقَنا وَعَلَوتُ ذا
مَع ذاكَ بِالذِكَرِ الحُسامِ الأَبتَرِ

9. And I charged their leader severed his vein
And killed every elder of great stature

٩. وَقَصَدتُ قائِدَهُم قَطَعتُ وَريدَهُ
وَقَتَلتُ مِنهُم كُلَّ قَرمٍ أَكبَرِ

10. They left armor and weapons routed in retreat
Fleeing in haste across the barren plain

١٠. تَرَكوا اللَبوسَ مَعَ السِلاحِ هَزيمَةً
يَجرونَ في عُرضِ الفَلاةِ المُقفِرِ

11. And I raised the banners of humiliation over them
And divided their plunder for each fierce warrior

١١. وَنَشَرتُ راياتِ المَذَلَّةِ فَوقَهُم
وَقَسَمتُ سَلبَهُمُ لِكُلِّ غَضَنفَرِ

12. Then I left them it was not my aim except
For a renown lasting till resurrection day

١٢. وَرَجَعتُ عَنهُم لَم يَكُن قَصدي سِوى
ذِكرٍ يَدومُ إِلى أَوانِ المَحشَرِ

13. He who does not live mighty through his spearhead
Will die the death of disgrace amid the throng

١٣. مَن لَم يَعِش مُتَعَزِّزاً بِسِنانِهِ
سَيَموتُ مَوتَ الذُلِّ بَينَ المَعشَرِ

14. For a precious life there's no escape from death
So spend your time in the proudest noblest way

١٤. لا بُدَّ لِلعُمرِ النَفيسِ مِنَ الفَنا
فَاِصرِف زَمانَكَ في الأَعَزِّ الأَفخَرِ