
Do not seek repayment of debts except with the slender spear,

لا تقتضي الدين إلا بالقنا الذبل

1. Do not seek repayment of debts except with the slender spear,
And judge none but with swords on the hills.

١. لا تَقتَضي الدَينَ إِلّا بِالقَنا الذُبُلِ
وَلا تُحَكِّم سِوى الأَسيافِ في القُلَلِ

2. Do not dwell near base men whose neighbors they trouble,
But leave them in desolate abodes and depart.

٢. وَلا تُجاوِر لِئاماً ذَلَّ جارُهُمُ
وَخَلِّهِم في عِراصِ الدارِ وَاِرتَحِلِ

3. Do not flee when plunged into the fray -
For flight avails not a man his allotted span.

٣. وَلا تَفِرَّ إِذا ما خُضتُ مَعرَكَةً
فَما يَزيدُ فِرارُ المَرءِ في الأَجَلِ

4. O Ablaq, you are the darkness of my heart, so judge
My affections, and be equitable, O culmination of hope!

٤. يا عَبلَ أَنتِ سَوادُ القَلبِ فَاِحتَكِمي
في مُهجَتي وَاِعدِلي يا غايَةَ الأَمَلِ

5. And if you travel from frowning 'Abs, then do not stop
In a house of disgrace, nor heed the censurers.

٥. وَإِن تَرَحَّلتِ عَن عَبسٍ فَلا تَقِفي
في دارِ ذُلٍّ وَلا تُصغي إِلى العَذَلِ

6. For after our departure, their land
Will remain without a horseman called or hero known.

٦. لِأَنَّ أَرضَهُمُ مِن بَعدِ رِحلَتِنا
تَبقى بِلا فارِسٍ يُدعى وَلا بَطَلِ

7. Ask Fazarah about my deeds, for she broke away
In a large and violent army like pouring rain.

٧. سَلي فَزارَةَ عَن فِعلي وَقَد نَفَرَت
في جَحفَلٍ حافِلٍ كَالعارِضِ الهَطِلِ

8. Her dusky spears quiver with hate against me when
She saw the flames of my swords gleaming with fire.

٨. تَهُزُّ سُمرَ القَنا حِقداً عَلَيَّ وَقَد
رَأَت لَهيبَ حُسامي ساطِعَ الشُعَلِ

9. Badr bin 'Amr will tell you that I am a hero
Who casts armies with a heart hewn from a mountain.

٩. يُخبِركِ بَدرُ بنُ عَمروٍ أَنَّني بَطَلٌ
أَلقى الجُيوشَ بِقَلبٍ قُدَّ مِن جَبَلِ

10. I fought their horsemen until they scattered in rout
And the thrusting of spears was more lethal than fate.

١٠. قاتَلتُ فُرسانَهُم حَتّى مَضوا فِرَقاً
وَالطَعنُ في إِثرِهِم أَمضى مِنَ الأَجَلِ

11. And my horse returned walking, stumbling
Over skulls strewn white and broken.

١١. وَعادَ بي فَرَسي يَمشي فَتُعثِرُهُ
جَماجِمٌ نُثِرَت بِالبيضِ وَالأَسَلِ

12. I have captured the elite of the tribe triumphantly
And returned drunk with joy like one made mellow with wine.

١٢. وَقَد أَسَرتُ سَراةَ القَومِ مُقتَدِراً
وَعُدتُ مِن فَرَحي كَالشارِبِ الثَمِلِ

13. O my son, you have saddened my heart with parting, though I do not
Weep for the loss of friends or dwellings.

١٣. يا بَينُ رَوَّعتَ قَلبي بِالفِراقِ وَما
أَبكي لِفُرقَةِ أَصحابٍ وَلا طَلَلِ

14. Rather, from parting with her whose eyes hold sickness
Which has increased my maladies beyond my illnesses.

١٤. بَل مِن فِراقِ الَّتي في جَفنِها سَقَمٌ
قَد زادَني عِلَلاً مِنهُ عَلى عِلَلي

15. I spend my evenings apprehensive of parting, as
My enemies spend theirs fearful of my sword.

١٥. أُمسي عَلى وَجَلٍ خَوفَ الفِراقِ كَما
تُمسي الأَعادِيُّ مِن سَيفي عَلى وَجَلِ

16. Alas! Gone are those first days of youth, playing, and love.
Who will restore to me the beer, flirting, and antelope?

١٦. مَن لي بِرَدِّ الصِبا وَاللَهوِ وَالغَزَلِ
هَيهاتَ ما فاتَ مِن أَيّامِكَ الأُوَلِ

17. Gray hairs have folded what I used to unfurl
And the big-eyed gazelles no longer recognize me.

١٧. طَوى الجَديدانِ ما قَد كُنتُ أَنشُرُهُ
وَأَنكَرَتني ذَواتُ الأَعيُنِ النُجُلِ

18. Nor has time bent my resolve from attacking
And plunging into the fray on plain or hill,

١٨. وَما ثَنى الدَهرُ عَزمي عَن مُهاجَمَةٍ
وَخَوضِ مَعمَعَةٍ في السَهلِ وَالجَبَلِ

19. With horses and fluttering black standards - my passion
Is not wantonness and riding, but warriors' arts.

١٩. في الخَيلِ وَالخافِقاتِ السودِ لي شُغلٌ
لَيسَ الصَبابَةُ وَالصَهباءُ مِن شُغلي

20. Good advice has restrained me from these and reproved me,
So I do not weep for a vestige or an encampment.

٢٠. لَقَد ثَناني النُهى عَنها وَأَدَّبَني
فَلَستُ أَبكي عَلى رَسمٍ وَلا طَلَلِ

21. Ask my steed about me the day it carries me forth -
Have I lost my courage or turned from a hero?

٢١. سَلوا جَوادِيَ عَنّي يَومَ يَحمِلُني
هَل فاتَني بَطَلٌ أَو حُلتُ عَن بَطَلِ

22. How many armies have I scattered in disarray,
With horsemen likes raindrops pouring forth!

٢٢. وَكَم جُيوشٍ لَقَد فَرَّقتُها فِرَقاً
وَعارِضُ الحَتفِ مِثلُ العارِضِ الهَطِلِ

23. What procession have I plunged into, attacking its van
And rear with thrust and stab amid white and dapple-gray?

٢٣. وَمَوكِبٍ خُضتُ أَعلاهُ وَأَسفَلَهُ
بِالضَربِ وَالطَعنِ بَينَ البيضِ وَالأَسَلِ

24. Why should I care for men who shed my blood
When I am the first to strike them with word and deed?

٢٤. ماذا أُريدُ بِقَومٍ يَهدُرونَ دَمي
أَلَستُ أَولاهُمُ بِالقَولِ وَالعَمَلِ

25. None drinks wine but he who is held in contempt,
And none dwells without a fearful neighbor.

٢٥. لا يَشرَبُ الخَمرَ إِلّا مَن لَهُ ذِمَمٌ
وَلا يَبيتُ لَهُ جارٌ عَلى وَجَلِ