1. When my tears overflow and stream down my cheeks,
And my longing pulls me towards the happy world,
١. إِذا فاضَ دَمعي وَاِستَهَلَّ عَلى خَدّي
وَجاذَبَني شَوقي إِلى العَلَمِ السَعدي
2. I remind my people of their injustice towards me and their enmity,
And how little I was treated fairly, both near and far.
٢. أُذَكِّرُ قَومي ظُلمَهُم لي وَبَغيَهُم
وَقِلَّةَ إِنصافي عَلى القُربِ وَالبُعدِ
3. I built them glory with the sword, erect and towering,
But when their glory reached its peak, they demolished mine.
٣. بَنَيتُ لَهُم بِالسَيفِ مَجداً مُشَيَّداً
فَلَمّا تَناهى مَجدُهُم هَدَموا مَجدي
4. They fault my complexion for its blackness, yet
Their own wicked deeds are blacker than my skin.
٤. يَعيبونَ لَوني بِالسَوادِ وَإِنَّما
فِعالُهُمُ بِالخُبثِ أَسوَدُ مِن جِلدي
5. Woe to my neighbors when I’m absent from them
And the distance grows long - what will they face after me?
٥. فَوا ذُلَّ جيراني إِذا غِبتُ عَنهُمُ
وَطالَ المَدى ماذا يُلاقونَ مِن بَعدي
6. Do you think, O Qais, that after their rejection
I fear the enemies or accept humiliation from rejection?
٦. أَتَحسِبُ قَيسٌ أَنَّني بَعدَ طَردِهِم
أَخافُ الأَعادي أَو أَذِلُّ مِنَ الطَردِ
7. How can humiliation touch my heart and my sword
When the heart of the foe trembles, throbbing like thunder?
٧. وَكَيفَ يَحُلُّ الذُلُّ قَلبي وَصارِمي
إِذا اِهتَزَّ قَلبُ الضِدِّ يَخفُقُ كَالرَعدِ
8. When has the sword been drawn in my hands on an evil day
That I made no distinction between old and young?
٨. مَتى سُلَّ في كَفّي بِيَومِ كَريهَةٍ
فَلا فَرقَ ما بَينَ المَشايِخِ وَالمُردِ
9. Glory lies only in my turban being wound
At its edges by an Indian blade, sharp and keen.
٩. وَما الفَخرُ إِلّا أَن تَكونَ عِمامَتي
مُكَوَّرَةَ الأَطرافِ بِالصارِمِ الهِندي
10. My two friends - when you are drunk after our revelry
Speak not of the ruins of Salma or of Hind;
١٠. نَديمَيَّ إِمّا غِبتُما بَعدَ سَكرَةٍ
فَلا تَذكُرا أَطلالَ سَلمى وَلا هِندِ
11. Speak to me only of raiding steeds
And clouds of choking dust, gloomy and blackened;
١١. وَلا تَذكُرا لي غَيرَ خَيلٍ مُغيرَةٍ
وَنَقعَ غُبارٍ حالِكِ اللَونِ مُسوَدِّ
12. For when the dust of war rises high
I cleave it with a wind sweeter than moisture.
١٢. فَإِنَّ غُبارَ الصافِناتِ إِذا عَلا
نَشِقتُ لَهُ ريحاً أَلَذَّ مِنَ النَدِّ
13. My oregano is my spear, and the cups of my drinking spot
Are the skulls of proud chiefs, greedy for glory.
١٣. وَرَيحانَتي رُمحي وَكاساتُ مَجلِسي
جَماجِمُ ساداتٍ حِراصٍ عَلى المَجدِ
14. My swords scratch on the ground each day
Tracings of blood that spare the regretful their roses.
١٤. وَلي مِن حُسامي كُلَّ يَومٍ عَلى الثَرى
نُقوشُ دَمٍ تُغني النَدامى عَنِ الوَردِ
15. A sword's sheath cannot shame the blade
If on the day of battle it severs strongly.
١٥. وَلَيسَ يَعيبُ السَيفَ إِخلاقُ غِمدِهِ
إِذا كانَ في يَومِ الوَغى قاطِعَ الحَدِّ
16. By God, countless is the dust I have cut through
On a steed firm-flanked, evenly built.
١٦. فَلِلَّهِ دَرّي كَم غُبارٍ قَطَعتُهُ
عَلى ضامِرِ الجَنبَينِ مُعتَدِلِ القَدِّ
17. I have charged through, driving off the horses
Till they fled like herds of wild cows to pasture.
١٧. وَطاعَنتُ عَنهُ الخَيلَ حَتّى تَبَدَّدَت
هِزاماً كَأَسرابِ القَطاءِ إِلى الوِردِ
18. You, ministers, have provoked a lion of the thicket
And did not distinguish falsehood from truth.
١٨. فَزارَةُ قَد هَيَّجتُمُ لَيثَ غابَةٍ
وَلَم تُفرِقوا بَينَ الضَلالَةِ وَالرُشدِ
19. Say to a fortress, if it fears my enmity,
It will spend the night consumed by grief and passion.
١٩. فَقولوا لِحِصنٍ إِن تَعانى عَداوَتي
يَبيتُ عَلى نارٍ مِنَ الحُزنِ وَالوَجدِ