1. Ask the messenger, O deer, about my deeds
Seeking battle, my foes were the first to offend
١. سَلي يا عَبلَ عَمرواً عَن فِعالي
بِأَعداكِ الأُلى طَلَبوا قِتالي
2. Ask them how they fared when I did contend
If doubt still lingers in your mind from what I said
٢. سَليهُم كَيفَ كانَ لَهُم جَوابي
إِذا ما فالَ ظَنُّكِ في مَقالي
3. We came in the dark, on dappled steeds we rode
With girded loins, as if with cough we were bestowed
٣. أَتَونا في الظَلامِ عَلى جِيادٍ
مُضَمَّرَةِ الخَواصِرِ كَالسَعالي
4. Among us were tyrants, obstinate and proud
Fierce in war, with hanging reins uncontrolled
٤. وَفيهِم كُلُّ جَبّارٍ عَنيدٍ
شَديدِ البَأسِ مَفتولِ السِبالِ
5. When they lit the fires of death in the fray
With blade tips glittering, tempered sharp to slay
٥. وَلَمّا أَوقَدوا نارَ المَنايا
بِأَطرافِ المُثَقَّفَةِ العَوالي
6. A lion of Abs, black in hue, doused the blaze
With a white sword, polished bright in its sheath to lay
٦. طَفاها أَسوَدٌ مِن آلِ عَبسٍ
بِأَبيَضَ صارِمٍ حَسَنِ الصِقالِ
7. Unleashed, it spills blood copiously like a flood
Slicing mountains in twain, no defense withstood
٧. إِذا ما سُلَّ سالَ دَماً نَجيعاً
وَيَخرُقُ حَدُّهُ صُمَّ الجِبالِ
8. The darker my hand when I raise it aloft
His fangs glisten like the crescent moon aloft
٨. وَأَسمَرَ كُلَّما رَفَعَتهُ كَفّي
يَلوحُ سِنانُهُ مِثلَ الهِلالِ
9. Gripped in my right hand, he vies with death in speed
On my left, mortality he outstrips indeed
٩. تَراهُ إِذا تَلَوّى في يَميني
تُسابِقُهُ المَنِيَّةُ في شِمالي
10. I pledged you a true promise in word and deed
Matching speech with action, the claim I stamped and sealed
١٠. ضَمِنتُ لَكَ الضَمانَ ضَمانَ صِدقٍ
وَأَتبَعتُ المَقالَةَ بِالفِعالِ
Scattering ranks of riders with a strike or two
١١. وَفَرَّقتُ الكَتائِبَ عِندَ ضَربٍ
يَخِرُّ لَهُ صَناديدُ الرِجالِ
12. Heroes quake and tremble at the sight of me and you
Never has a brave warrior of war withdrawn
١٢. وَما وَلّى شُجاعُ الحَربِ إلاّ
وَبَينَ يَدَيهِ شَخصٌ مِن مِثالي
13. With my likeness not placed as a shield before him soon
With dread of my sword, the earth I’ve filled
١٣. مَلَأتُ الأَرضَ خَوفاً مِن حُسامي
فَباتَ الناسُ في قيلٍ وَقالِ
14. Leaving people talking in wonder, astonished and thrilled
And if I failed my promise to you, they would say
١٤. وَلَو أَخلَفتُ وَعدي فيكِ قالَتْ
بَنو الأَنذالِ إِنّي عَنكِ سالي