1. I continued to ascend to the heights
Until I reached the stars of Capricornus
١. ما زِلتُ مُرتَقِياً إِلى العَلياءِ
حَتّى بَلَغتُ إِلى ذُرى الجَوزاءِ
2. There, I do not blame those who blamed me
Fearing death and separation from the living
٢. فَهُناكَ لا أَلوي عَلى مَن لامَني
خَوفَ المَماتِ وَفُرقَةِ الأَحياءِ
3. So I will provoke those who envy and hate me
And be patient with scarcity and barrenness
٣. فَلَأُغضِبَنَّ عَواذِلي وَحَواسِدي
وَلِأَصبِرَنَّ عَلى قِلىً وَجَواءِ
4. And I will strive for the meeting so I can see
What I hope for or what is my destiny
٤. وَلَأَجهَدَنَّ عَلى اللِقاءِ لِكَي أَرى
ما أَرتَجيهِ أَو يَحينَ قَضائي
5. And I will protect my soul from its desires
Until I see one of conscience and loyalty
٥. وَلَأَحمِيَنَّ النَفسَ عَن شَهَواتِها
حَتّى أَرى ذا ذِمَّةٍ وَوَفاءِ
6. Whoever denied me has slipped away in secret
What I was hiding from the supervisors
٦. مَن كانَ يَجحَدُني فَقَد بَرَحَ الخَفا
ما كُنتُ أَكتُمُهُ عَنِ الرُقَباءِ
7. I am not saddened by my color or the name Zubaybah
When my enemies fell short of my ambition
٧. ما ساءَني لَوني وَإِسمُ زَبيبَةٍ
إِذ قَصَّرَت عَن هِمَّتي أَعدائي
8. So if I live, I will surely perform wonders
And silence the eloquence of the eloquent
٨. فَلَئِن بَقيتُ لَأَصنَعَنَّ عَجائِباً
وَلَأُبكِمَنَّ بَلاغَةَ الفُصَحاءِ