
O camel where can I escape from death

يا عبل أين من المنية مهربي

1. O camel where can I escape from death
If it is my Lord's decree in the heavens

١. يا عَبلُ أَينَ مِنَ المَنِيَةِ مَهرَبي
إِن كانَ رَبّي في السَماءِ قَضاها

2. And a troop I clad with a troop
Fiery, courageous, whose onslaught is feared

٢. وَكَتيبَةٍ لَبَّستُها بِكَتيبَةٍ
شَهباءَ باسِلَةٍ يُخافُ رَداها

3. Silent, their weapons bare, as though they were
A fire stoked by its violence

٣. خَرساءَ ظاهِرَةِ الأَداةِ كَأَنَّها
نارٌ يُشَبُّ وُقودُها بِلَظاها

4. Among them the veiled, sons of the veiled, as though they were
Horses stumbling in the fray from their moaning

٤. فيها الكُماةُ بَنو الكُماةِ كَأَنَّهُم
وَالخَيلُ تَعثُرُ في الوَغى بِقَناها

5. Meteors in the hands of those who grasp when they appear
With palms they dazzle the darkness with their brightness

٥. شُهُبٌ بِأَيدي القابِسينَ إِذا بَدَتْ
بِأَكُفِّهِم بَهَرَ الظَلامَ سَنَاهَا

6. Patient men, each bare swift swimmer
And excellent she-camel weakened and light of burden

٦. صُبرٌ أَعَدّوا كُلَّ أَجرَدَ سابِحٍ
وَنَجيبَةٍ ذَبَلَت وَخَفَّ حَشاها

7. They rush on mild-tempered she-camels, grim
Fuel complaining where they were struck and their faces

٧. يَعدونَ بِالمُستَلئِمينَ عَوابِساً
قوداً تَشَكّى أَينَها وَوَجاها

8. Bearing young men, beds spread with lances
And mountain-like when war becomes disordered

٨. يَحمِلنَ فِتياناً مَداعِسَ بِالقَنا
وُقُراً إِذا ما الحَربُ خَفَّ لِواها

9. Of every glorious knight of might, seasoned,
When contacting thighs with both its flanks

٩. مِن كُلِّ أَروَعَ ماجِدٍ ذي صَولَةٍ
مَرِسٍ إِذا لَحِقَت خُصىً بِكُلاها

10. And comrades who scent war, I sent them
At night and the war-bands had inclined to its aims

١٠. وَصَحابَةٍ شُمَّ الأُنوفِ بَعَثتُهُم
لَيلاً وَقَد مالَ الكَرى بِطُلاها

11. And I penetrated the gloom of darkness leading them
Until I saw the sun set its brightness

١١. وَسَرَيتُ في وَعثِ الظَلامِ أَقودُهُم
حَتّى رَأَيتُ الشَمسَ زالَ ضُحاها

12. And met in the morning a troop
So I stabbed the first horseman I made him my target

١٢. وَلَقيتُ في قُبُلِ الهَجيرِ كَتيبَةً
فَطَعَنتُ أَوَّلَ فارِسٍ أَولاها

13. And struck the tips of its two horns so it tossed about
And I launched my riding-beast into its midst and went straight through

١٣. وَضَرَبتُ قَرنَي كَبشِها فَتَجَدَّلا
وَحَمَلتُ مُهري وَسطَها فَمَضاها

14. Until I saw the horses, after their mass,
Red skins, dyed from their wounds,

١٤. حَتّى رَأَيتُ الخَيلَ بَعدَ سَوادِها
حُمرَ الجُلودِ خُضِبنَ مِن جَرحاها

15. Stumbling in the pools of Najib in droves
And trampling in the heat of battle its fallen

١٥. يَعثُرنَ في نَقعِ النَجيعِ جَوافِلاً
وَيَطَأنَ مِن حَميِ الوَغى صَرعاها

16. So I returned praised, with the head of its leader
And left them as prey for whoever desired them

١٦. فَرَجَعتُ مَحموداً بِرَأسِ عَظيمِها
وَتَرَكتُها جَزَراً لِمَن ناواها

17. No woman was ever denied her price in her abode
Until I paid in full her bride-price

١٧. ما اِستَمتُ أُنثى نَفسَها في مَوطِنِ
حَتّى أُوَفّي مَهرَها مَولاها

18. And I never saw a brother denied goods in his charge
Except with me he had its like

١٨. وَلَما رَزَأتُ أَخاً حِفاظَ سِلعَةً
إِلّا لَهُ عِندي بِها مِثلاها

19. I covered the girl of the camp in her tent
And when on the raid in the army I never uncovered her

١٩. أَغشى فَتاةَ الحَيِّ عِندَ حَليلِها
وَإِذا غَزا في الجَيشِ لا أَغشاها

20. And I turn my eyes from what of my neighbor was exposed
Until she hides from view her tent

٢٠. وَأَغَضُّ طَرفي ما بَدَت لي جارَتي
حَتّى يُواري جارَتي مَأواها

21. I am a generous man, noble of nature
I do not follow the soul that strays

٢١. إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ سَمحُ الخَليقَةِ ماجِدٌ
لا أُتبِعُ النَفسَ اللَجوجَ هَواها

22. And if you ask Ublah about that she would inform
That I want no women but her

٢٢. وَلَئِن سَأَلتَ بِذاكَ عَبلَةَ خَبَّرَت
أَن لا أُريدُ مِنَ النِساءِ سِواها

23. And I answer her when she calls for something great
And aid her and pardon what she did wrong

٢٣. وَأُجيبُها إِمّا دَعَت لِعَظيمَةٍ
وَأُغيثُها وَأَعِفُّ عَمّا ساها