
The pangs of separation have brought me union

عقاب الهجر أعقب لي الوصال

1. The pangs of separation have brought me union
And the truth of patience has shown me the impossible

١. عِقابُ الهَجرِ أَعقَبَ لي الوِصالاً
وَصِدقُ الصَبرِ أَظهَرَ لي المُحالا

2. Were it not for the love of Abla in my heart
I would not have tended to their beauty

٢. وَلَولا حُبُّ عَبلَةَ في فُؤادي
مُقيمٌ ما رَعَيتُ لَهُم جِمالا

3. I blamed fate, how could it humiliate one like me
When I have a resolve with which I can move mountains

٣. عَتَبتُ الدَهرَ كَيفَ يُذِلَّ مِثلي
وَلي عَزمٌ أَقُدُّ بِهِ الجِبالا

4. I am the man you have heard about
And you have already seen my deeds

٤. أَنا الرَجُلُ الَّذي خُبِّرتَ عَنهُ
وَقَد عايَنتَ مِن خَبري الفِعالا

5. The morning the tribes of Tayy and Kalb came
Brandishing spears with their hands

٥. غَداةَ أَتَت بَنو طَيٍّ وَكَلبٍ
تَهُزُّ بِكَفِّها السُمرَ الطِوالا

6. With an army, whenever I looked in it
I thought the land was filled with men

٦. بِجَيشٍ كُلَّما لاحَظتُ فيهِ
حَسِبتُ الأَرضَ قَد مُلِأَت رِجالا

7. They trampled our land with treachery
So that the neighing of their horses was gossip and words

٧. وَداسوا أَرضَنا بِمُضَمَّراتٍ
فَكانَ صَهيلُها قيلاً وَقالا

8. They turned away from us confused
Missing thrusts and stirrups from them

٨. تَوَلَّوا جُفَّلاً مِنّا حَيارى
وَفاتوا الظُعنَ مِنهُم وَالرِحالا

9. The highborn did not bear injustice
Nor did their supplications hear any words

٩. وَما حَمَلَت ذَوُو الأَنسابِ ضَيماً
وَلا سَمِعَت لِداعيها مَقالا

10. Only the protection of the helpless is Abdel
And the fire of war rages furiously

١٠. وَما رَدُّ الأَعِنَّةِ غَيرُ عَبدٍ
وَنارُ الحَربِ تَشتَعِلُ اِشتِعالا

11. With a thrust that makes stalwarts tremble
So they avoid fighting

١١. بِطَعنٍ تُرعَدُ الأَبطالُ مِنهُ
لِشِدَّتِهِ فَتَجتَنِبُ القِتالا

12. I charged the army until every skilled one
And returned to find no shade for them

١٢. صَدَمتُ الجَيشَ حَتّى كُلَّ مُهري
وَعُدتُ فَما وَجَدتُ لَهُم ظِلالا

13. Their horses fled before my sword
Lightly after they had been heavy

١٣. وَراحَت خَيلُهُم مِن وَجهِ سَيفي
خِفافاً بَعدَما كانَت ثِقالا

14. Trampling on the horsemen as they galloped
Taking their skulls as shoes

١٤. تَدوسُ عَلى الفَوارِسِ وَهيَ تَعدو
وَقَد أَخَذَت جَماجِمَهُم نِعالا

15. And how many champions I felled
Who stir their left side after their right

١٥. وَكَم بَطَلٍ تَرَكتُ بِها طَريحاً
يُحَرِّكُ بَعدَ يُمناهُ الشِمالا

16. I saved the virgins and the singing girls
And did not leave anyone shackled

١٦. وَخَلَّصتُ العَذارى وَالغَواني
وَما أَبقَيتُ مَع أَحَدٍ عِقالا