
The breeze of Hejaz at dawn

برد نسيم الحجاز في السحر

1. The breeze of Hejaz at dawn
When it comes to me with its fragrance

١. بَردُ نَسيمِ الحِجازِ في السَحَرِ
إِذا أَتاني بِريحِهِ العَطِرِ

2. Is more delightful to me than what my hands grasped
Of jewels, wealth, and the full moon

٢. أَلَذُّ عِندي مِمّا حَوَتهُ يَدي
مِنَ اللَآلي وَالمالِ وَالبِدَرِ

3. And the kingdom of Chosroes, I do not desire when
The face of the beloved is absent from my sight

٣. وَمُلكُ كِسرى لا أَشتَهيهِ إِذا
ما غابَ وَجهُ الحَبيبِ عَن نَظَري

4. It watered the tents that were set up for
The drink of companionship and the rain shower

٤. سَقى الخِيامَ الَّتي نُصِبنَ عَلى
شَرَبَّةِ الأُنسِ وابِلُ المَطَرِ

5. Abodes where the full moons rise in them
Covered in the darkness of hair

٥. مَنازِلٌ تَطلُعُ البُدورُ بِها
مُبَرقَعاتٍ بِظُلمَةِ الشَعَرِ

6. White and brown, their dwellings are protected
By absent lions, white and brown

٦. بيضٌ وَسُمرٌ تَحمي مَضارِبَها
أَسادُ غابٍ بِالبيضِ وَالسُمُرِ

7. My heart was captivated by one of their maids
Intoxicated with eyes lined with kohl

٧. صادَت فُؤادي مِنهُنَّ جارِيَةٌ
مَكحولَةُ المُقلَتَينِ بِالحَوَرِ

8. She shows you from her mouth when she smiles
A cup of wine surrounded by pearls

٨. تُريكَ مِن ثَغرِها إِذا اِبتَسَمَت
كَأسَ مُدامٍ قَد حُفَّ بِالدُرَرِ

9. She lent the gazelle the magic of her eyes
And the lion of valor spent the night cautious

٩. أَعارَتِ الظَبيَ سِحرَ مُقلَتِها
وَباتَ لَيثُ الشَرى عَلى حَذَرِ

10. Lively, gentle, charming, beautiful
Her beauty shames the splendor of the moon

١٠. خودٌ رَداحٌ هَيفاءُ فاتِنَةٌ
تُخجِلُ بِالحُسنِ بَهجَةَ القَمَرِ

11. Oh she set the fire of love ablaze in my liver
Shooting my heart with arrows of embers

١١. يا عَبلَ نارُ الغَرامِ في كَبدي
تَرمي فُؤادي بِأَسهُمِ الشَرَرِ

12. Oh if not for dreams visiting me
I would have spent my night wailing and awake

١٢. يا عَبلَ لَولا الخَيالُ يَطرُقُني
قَضَيتُ لَيلي بِالنَوحِ وَالسَهَرِ

13. Oh how many ordeals have I endured
And battled with the well-memorized speech

١٣. يا عَبلَ كَم فِتنَةٍ بُليتُ بِها
وَخُضتُها بِالمُهَنَّدِ الذَكَرِ

14. The horses, black of face, sturdy,
Swim in the sea of destruction and danger

١٤. وَالخَيلُ سودُ الوُجوهِ كالِحَةٌ
تَخوضُ بَحرَ الهَلاكِ وَالخَطَرِ

15. I resist tribulations for you and cannot
Endure resisting destiny and fate

١٥. أُدافِعُ الحادِثاتِ فيكِ وَلا
أُطيقُ دَفعَ القَضاءِ وَالقَدَرِ