1. When we pledged allegiance over the edges of swords
And the spears were raised above the noble steeds
١. إِذا نَحنُ حالَفنا شِفارَ البَواتِرِ
وَسُمرَ القَنا فَوقَ الجِيادِ الضَوامِرِ
2. To war against a tribe, though we sufficed
Even if they were like the vast, turbulent seas
٢. عَلى حَربِ قَومٍ كانَ فينا كِفايَةً
وَلَو أَنَّهُم مِثلُ البِحارِ الزَواخِرِ
3. Glory lies not in gathering armies but rather
The valor of a man is breaking up a host of soldiers
٣. وَما الفَخرُ في جَمعِ الجُيوشِ وَإِنَّما
فَخارُ الفَتى تَفريقُ جَمعِ العَساكِرِ
4. Hold off, O daughter of uncles, the tribes of Kalb
Have come with Ghaneem and Amir
٤. سَلي يا اِبنَةَ الأَعمامِ عَنّي وَقَد أَتَت
قَبائِلُ كَلبٍ مَع غَنِيٍّ وَعامِرِ
5. They surge like the waves of the sea beneath clouds
That have gathered from the striking of hooves
٥. تَموجُ كَمَوجِ البَحرِ تَحتَ غَمامَةٍ
قَدِ اِنتَسَجَت مِن وَقعِ ضَربِ الحَوافِرِ
6. So they fled hastily with the spears in their backs
Almost cleaving kidney from abdomen and chest
٦. فَوَلَّوا سِراعاً وَالقَنا في ظُهورِهِم
تَشُكُّ الكُلى بَينَ الحَشا وَالخَواصِرِ
7. With the sword I left in the wasteland bones
And flesh of theirs for the tearing eagles
٧. وَبِالسَيفِ قَد خَلَّفتُ في القَفرِ مِنهُمُ
عِظاماً وَلَحماً لِلنُسورِ الكَواسِرِ
8. Yet my tribe did not heed except the word of the son of an oppressor
Wicked were his words, the words of a deceiver
٨. وَما راعَ قَومي غَيرُ قَولِ اِبنِ ظالِمٍ
وَكانَ خَبيثاً قَولُهُ قَولَ ماكِرِ
9. He sought and claimed none on earth matched him
But when we met the pride of the arrogant was laid bare
٩. بَغى وَاِدَّعى أَن لَيسَ في الأَرضِ مِثلُهُ
فَلَمّا اِلتَقَينا بانَ فَخرُ المُفاخِرِ
10. I love the clan of Abs though they spill my blood
With the love of a truthful, steadfast slave
١٠. أُحِبُّ بَني عَبسٍ وَلَو هَدَروا دَمي
مَحَبَّةَ عَبدٍ صادِقِ القَولِ صابِرِ
11. And I approach when they distance me and I meet
The spears of foes and hot arrows
١١. وَأَدنو إِذا ما أَبعَدوني وَأَلتَقي
رِماحَ العِدا عَنهُم وَحَرَّ الهَواجِرِ
12. Zuhair turned his back and spears surrounded him
A corpse with the blades of long spears
١٢. تَوَلّى زُهَيرٌ وَالمَقانِبُ حَولَهُ
قَتيلاً وَأَطرافُ الرِماحِ الشَواجِرِ
13. He was the greatest of men in worth yet he arose
The greatest corpse to visit the graves
١٣. وَكانَ أَجَلَّ الناسِ قَدراً وَقَد غَدا
أَجَلَّ قَتيلٍ زارَ أَهلَ المَقابِرِ
14. Alas how Khalid's heart was gladdened
By the crown of Banu Abs, the honored tribes
١٤. فَوا أَسَفا كَيفَ اِشتَفى قَلبُ خالِدٍ
بِتاجِ بَني عَبسِ كِرامِ العَشائِرِ
15. How can I sleep the night without avenging him
When he was my protection in major calamities
١٥. وَكَيفَ أَنامُ اللَيلَ مِن دونِ ثَأرِهِ
وَقَد كانَ ذُخري في الخُطوبِ الكَبائِرِ