1. The morning of assault with spear and mace,
No cup-bearer wanders with a cup of wine.
١. صَباحُ الطَعنِ في كَرٍّ وَفَرٍّ
وَلا ساقٍ يَطوفُ بِكَأسِ خَمرِ
2. I prefer the clinking of cups, jugs and flowers
To the banging of drums and musical play.
٢. أَحَبُّ إِلَيَّ مِن قَرعِ المَلاهي
عَلى كَأسٍ وَإِبريقٍ وَزَهرِ
3. My wine remains as long as my veil,
With horses galloping along Qana's banks.
٣. مُدامي ما تَبَقّى مِن خُماري
بِأَطرافِ القَنا وَالخَيلُ تَجري
4. I am the slave you've been told about,
Who meets a thousand knights in battle.
٤. أَنا العَبدُ الَّذي خُبِّرتَ عَنهُ
يُلاقي في الكَريهَةِ أَلفَ حُرِّ
5. I was created with a heart harder than iron,
So how can I fear eggs and sparrows?
٥. خُلِقتُ مِنَ الحَديدِ أَشَدُّ قَلباً
فَكَيفَ أَخافُ مِن بيضٍ وَسُمرِ
6. I wield the sword without concern
And charge the heavily armed with pride.
٦. وَأَبطِشُ بِالكَمِيِّ وَلا أُبالي
وَأَعلو لِلسِماكِ بِكُلِّ فَخرِ
7. The brave see me and flee from me,
Their backs shiver and march away.
٧. وَيَبصُرني الشُجاعُ يَفِرُّ مِنّي
وَيَرعَشُ ظَهرُهُ مِنّي وَيَسري
8. You thought, O Bani Shayban, mere thoughts,
But my patience and composure proved you wrong.
٨. ظَنَنتُم يا بَني شَيبانَ ظَنّاً
فَأَخلَفَ ظَنَّكُم جَلدي وَصَبري
9. Ask Spring about me, for it has come upon me
With the mustering of horses, the lords of Badr.
٩. سَلوا عَنّي الرَبيعَ وَقَد أَتاني
بِجُردِ الخَيلِ مِن ساداتِ بَدرِ
10. I captured their elite and turned away from them,
After scattering them in every region.
١٠. أَسَرتُ سَراتَهُم وَرَجَعتُ عَنهُم
وَقَد فَرَّقتُهُم في كُلِّ قُطرِ
11. And here I've come out today to heal
My heart of you and relieve my chest.
١١. وَها أَنا قَد بَرَزتُ اليَومَ أَشفي
فُؤادي مِنكُمُ وَغَليلَ صَدري
12. I seize the wealth of Abla in the meadows,
And the lord of the manor knows my worth.
١٢. وَآخُذُ مالَ عَبلَةَ بِالمَواضي
وَيَعرِفُ صاحِبُ الإيوانِ قَدري