
Is the shedding of tears from my eyes out of grief

أمن سهية دمع العين تذريف

1. Is the shedding of tears from my eyes out of grief
Though this would have been a kindness from you before today

١. أَمِن سُهَيَّةَ دَمعُ العَينِ تَذريفُ
لَو أَنَّ ذا مِنكِ قَبلَ اليَومِ مَعروفُ

2. As though on the day she turned away and would not speak to me
She was a wild animal, with a tender neck and shy gaze

٢. كَأَنَّها يَومَ صَدَّت ما تُكَلِّمُني
ظَبيٌ بِعُسفانَ ساجي الطَرفِ مَطروفُ

3. When she raised her staff towards me, she was decked out
As though she was an idol, accustomed to being shrouded

٣. تَجَلَّلَتنِيَ إِذ أَهوى العَصا قِبَلي
كَأَنَّها صَنَمٌ يُعتادُ مَعكوفُ

4. Your wealth is yours, and your slave is yours
So is your torment upon me today diminished?

٤. المالُ مالُكُمُ وَالعَبدُ عَبدُكُمُ
فَهَل عَذابُكَ عَنّي اليَومَ مَصروفُ

5. You forget my suffering when raiders attack
Charging out on their tall, swift horses

٥. تَنسى بَلائي إِذا ما غارَةٌ لَقِحَت
تَخرُجُ مِنها الطُوالاتُ السَراعيفُ

6. They charge forth, their saddles soaked
By the water, stampeded by the raging knights

٦. يَخرُجنَ مِنها وَقَد بُلَّت رَحائِلُها
بِالماءِ يَركُضُها المُردُ الغَطاريفُ

7. I will stab with a clear, honorable blow
Her brother's hand will turn yellow, and he will be drained

٧. قَد أَطعُنُ الطَعنَةَ النَجلاءَ عَن عُرُضٍ
تَصفَرُّ كَفُّ أَخيها وَهوَ مَنزوفُ

8. There is no doubt that fate is fickle
It divides those united and familiar

٨. لا شَكَّ لِلمَرءِ أَنَّ الدَهرَ ذو خُلُفٍ
فيهِ تَفَرَّقَ ذو إِلفٍ وَمَألوفُ