1. How time keeps from me those I hope to be close
And sends instead an enemy for me to oppose
١. كَم يُبعِدُ الدَهرُ مَن أَرجو أُقارِبُهُ
عَنّي وَيَبعَثُ شَيطاناً أُحارِبُهُ
2. Oh what days these are that with each turn
Bring consequences that within us burn
٢. فَيا لَهُ مِن زَمانٍ كُلَّما اِنصَرَفَت
صُروفُهُ فَتَكَت فينا عَواقِبُهُ
3. Time's nature betrays and tricks at a whim
How then can the free feel safe with him?
٣. دَهرٌ يَرى الغَدرَ مِن إِحدى طَبائِعِهِ
فَكَيفَ يَهنا بِهِ حُرٌّ يُصاحِبُهُ
4. I tested time when young and green
After graying my hair, its trials I've seen
٤. جَرَّبتُهُ وَأَنا غِرٌّ فَهَذَّبَني
مِن بَعدِ ما شَيَّبَت رَأسي تَجارِبُهُ
5. Why would I now fear what days will bring
When time itself is a lighter thing
٥. وَكَيفَ أَخشى مِنَ الأَيّامِ نائِبَةً
وَالدَهرُ أَهوَنُ ما عِندي نَوائِبُهُ
6. How many a night in the desert alone
As the night's stars near the west have shone
٦. كَم لَيلَةٍ سِرتُ في البَيداءِ مُنفَرِداً
وَاللَيلُ لِلغَربِ قَد مالَت كَواكِبُهُ
7. My sword and spear are my friends out there
When lions approach, their sides I prepare
٧. سَيفي أَنيسي وَرُمحي كُلَّما نَهِمَت
أُسدُ الدِحالِ إِلَيها مالَ جانِبُهُ
8. How many a pond I've bloodied at dawn
As beasts come to drink what I've drawn
٨. وَكَم غَديرٍ مَزَجتُ الماءَ فيهِ دَماً
عِندَ الصَباحِ وَراحَ الوَحشُ طالِبُهُ
9. Oh you who hope I perish, cease your daydream
And refuse the cup if you fear its stream
٩. يا طامِعاً في هَلاكي عُد بِلا طَمَعٍ
وَلا تَرِد كَأسَ حَتفٍ أَنتَ شارِبُهُ