
Long has the place mourned the dwellings,

طال الثواء على رسوم المنزل

1. Long has the place mourned the dwellings,
Between al-Lakik and Dhat al-Harmal.

١. طالَ الثَواءُ عَلى رُسومِ المَنزِلِ
بَينَ اللَكيكِ وَبَينَ ذاتِ الحَرمَلِ

2. I stood bewildered in its grounds,
Bidding farewell to the abodes like one undaunted.

٢. فَوَقَفتُ في عَرَصاتِها مُتَحَيِّراً
أَسلُ الدِيارَ كَفِعلِ مَن لَم يَذهَلِ

3. The winds have toyed with it after its intimacy,
And the drawing women, and every flexuous, pliant one.

٣. لَعِبَت بِها الأَنواءُ بَعدَ أَنيسِها
وَالرامِساتُ وَكُلُّ جَونٍٍ مُسبَلِ

4. Does a dove weep amidst the thickets,
its tears flowing upon the camel's back?

٤. أَفَمِن بُكاءِ حَمامَةٍ في أَيكَةٍ
ذَرَفَت دُموعَكَ فَوقَ ظَهرِ المَحمِلِ

5. Like a pearl it scattered,
Beads from its string broke; they were not to be joined.

٥. كَالدُرِّ أَو فَضَضِ الجُمانِ تَقَطَّعَت
مِنهُ عَقائِدُ سِلكِهِ لَم يوصَلِ

6. When I heard the call of Murra as he called,
And the call of 'Abs in the fray accusing and excusing,

٦. لَمّا سَمِعتُ دُعاءَ مُرَّةَ إِذ دَعا
وَدُعاءَ عَبسٍ في الوَغى وَمُحَلِّلِ

7. I called to 'Abs and they responded with the spear
And with every long sharp sword that had not been sheathed.

٧. نادَيتُ عَبساً فَاِستَجابوا بِالقَنا
وَبِكُلِّ أَبيَضَ صارِمٍ لَم يَنجَلِ

8. Until they violated the clan of 'Auf unjustly
With al-Musharfi, and al-Washij, the frayed.

٨. حَتّى اِستَباحوا آلَ عَوفٍ عَنوَةً
بِالمَشرَفِيِّ وَبِالوَشيجِ الذُبَّلِ

9. I am a man of the best clan of 'Abs in lineage,
My share and my protection are all accomplished with the polished sword.

٩. إِنّي اِمرُؤٌ مِن خَيرِ عَبسٍ مَنصِباً
شَطرِي وَأَحمي سائِري بِالمُنصُلِ

10. If they are overtaken I return, and if they engage I strengthen
And if they turn aside I descend and attack.

١٠. إِن يُلحَقوا أَكرُر وَإِن يُستَلحَموا
أَشدُد وَإِن يُلفَوا بِضَنكٍ أَنزِلِ

11. When descending to attack is our principle,
And every misguided one turns aside denuded.

١١. حينَ النُزولُ يَكونُ غايَةَ مِثلِنا
وَيَفِرُّ كُلَّ مُضَلَّلٍ مُستَوهِلِ

12. I refused to leave ath-Thawa and its foliage
Until I gained generous sustenance through it.

١٢. وَلَقَد أَبيتُ عَلى الطَوى وَأَظَلُّهُ
حَتّى أَنالَ بِهِ كَريمَ المَأكَلِ

13. When the battalion was hesitant and watchful,
I got the better of a potential flood held back.

١٣. وَإِذا الكَتيبَةُ أَحجَمَت وَتَلاحَظَت
أُلفيتُ خَيراً مِن مُعَمٍّ مُخوَلِ

14. The horses know, and the horsemen, that I
Scattered their multitudes with the thrusts of a penetrating sword

١٤. وَالخَيلُ تَعلَمُ وَالفَوارِسُ أَنَّني
فَرَّقتُ جَمعَهُمُ بِطَعنَةِ فَيصَلِ

15. When I do not hasten ahead of my horsemen in a narrow pass
And I do not entrust the first line.

١٥. إِذ لا أُبادِرُ في المَضيقِ فَوارِسي
وَلا أُوَكِّلُ بِالرَعيلِ الأَوَّلِ

16. I charged in front of the banner of Ghalib
On the day of commotion, and I did not charge unarmed.

١٦. وَلَقَد غَدَوتُ أَمامَ رايَةِ غالِبٍ
يَومَ الهَياجِ وَما غَدَوتُ بِأَعزَلِ

17. Dawn threatened me with armies as if
I had woken deprived of the goal of the armies.

١٧. بَكَرَت تُخَوِّفني الحُتوفَ كَأَنَّني
أَصبَحتُ عَن غَرَضِ الحُتوفِ بِمَعزِلِ

18. So I answered that death is an inevitability,
There is no way I will not be made to drink of the cup of the watering place.

١٨. فَأَجَبتُها إِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ مَنهَلٌ
لا بُدَّ أَن أُسقى بِكَأسِ المَنهَلِ

19. Restrain your shyness from me, I do not consent, and know
That I am a man, I will die if I am not killed.

١٩. فَاِقِني حَياءَكِ لا أَبا لَكِ وَاِعلَمي
أَنّي اِمرُؤٌ سَأَموتُ إِن لَم أُقتَلِ

20. If death were to take form, it would take form
Of men like me when they descend staying at an abode.

٢٠. إِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ لَو تُمَثَّلُ مُثِّلَت
مِثلي إِذا نَزَلوا بِضَنكِ المَنزِلِ

21. While the horses areonymous, their faces haggard,
As if their horsemen are made to drink sage syrup.

٢١. وَالخَيلُ ساهِمَةُ الوُجوهِ كَأَنَّما
تُسقى فَوارِسُها نَقيعَ الحَنظَلِ

22. When I am prevailed upon to do what is hated
I do not say after the hated deed, “Would that I had not done it.”

٢٢. إِذا حُمِلتُ عَلى الكَريهَةِ لَم أَقُل
بَعدَ الكَريهَةِ لَيتَني لَم أَفعَلِ