
I see every day as time passes

أرى لي كل يوم مع زماني

1. I see every day as time passes
Reproach in distance and in nearness

١. أَرى لي كُلَّ يَومٍ مَع زَماني
عِتاباً في البِعادِ وَفي التَداني

2. It wants my humiliation and makes me anxious
With the army of misfortunes when it sees me

٢. يُريدُ مَذَلَّتي وَيَدورُ هَولي
بِجَيشِ النائِباتِ إِذا رَآني

3. As if I had grown old and my hair turned white
And my patience weakened and my resolve faded

٣. كَأَنّي قَد كَبِرتُ وَشابَ رَأسي
وَقَلَّ تَجَلُّدي وَوَهى جَناني

4. Oh fate, my day is like my yesterday
And I am most revered by those who know me

٤. أَلا يا دَهرُ يَومي مِثلُ أَمسي
وَأَعظَمُ هَيبَةً لِمَنِ اِلتَقاني

5. And the distressed whose hardship I removed
With a stroke of my swift sword when he called me

٥. وَمَكروبٍ كَشَفتُ الكَربَ عَنهُ
بِضَربَةِ فَيصَلٍ لَمّا دَعاني

6. He called me in a call and the horses bolted
So I did not know if he called me or Kanani

٦. دَعاني دَعوَةً وَالخَيلُ تَردي
فَما أَدري أَبِاِسمي أَم كَناني

7. So I did not restrain my hearing when he called me
But my tongue made clear to him

٧. فَلَم أُمسِك بِسَمعي إِذ دَعاني
وَلَكِن قَد أَبانَ لَهُ لِساني

8. So I scattered the processions away from him by force
With a stab faster than Yemeni lightning

٨. فَفَرَّقتُ المَواكِبَ عَنهُ قَهراً
بِطَعنٍ يَسبُقُ البَرقَ اليَماني

9. And I only answered him with my sword
And my spear amidst the fray as ransom

٩. وَما لَبَّيتُهُ إِلّا وَسَيفي
وَرُمحي في الوَغى فَرَسا رِهانِ

10. And my answering him was that
I turned the obedient steed toward him

١٠. وَكانَ إِجابَتي إِيّاهُ أَنّي
عَطَفتُ عَلَيهِ خَوّارَ العِنانِ

11. With a dark spear of soft iron from Hadan
And a white sharp sword of Yemeni make

١١. بِأَسمَرَ مِن رِماحِ الخَطِّ لَدنٍ
وَأَبيَضَ صارِمٍ ذَكَرٍ يَمانِ

12. And a spear which I left in the hands of Makir
Upon it purple straps like crimson

١٢. وَقِرنٍ قَد تَرَكتُ لَدى مَكَرٍّ
عَلَيهِ سَبائِبا كَالأُرجُوانِ

13. I left the birds hovering over it
As the entertained swoop down to the courtyard

١٣. تَرَكتُ الطَيرَ عاكِفَةً عَلَيهِ
كَما تَردي إِلى العُرسِ البَواني

14. And the life of hands and feet that run
Prevent them from eating it

١٤. وَتَمنَعُهُنَّ أَن يَأكُلنَ مِنهُ
حَياةُ يَدٍ وَرِجلٍ تَركُضانِ

15. So the pillars of war did not weaken me
But the passage of time

١٥. فَما أَوهى مِراسُ الحَربِ رُكني
وَلَكِن ما تَقادَمَ مِن زَمانِ

16. And I never came near the specter of death
Except as the brave approaches the coward

١٦. وَما دانَيتُ شَخصَ المَوتِ إِلّاً
كَما يَدنو الشُجاعُ مِنَ الجَبانِ

17. And the tribe of Abs knew that I
Charge when called to thrust

١٧. وَقَد عَلِمَت بَنو عَبسٍ بِأَنّي
أَهُشُّ إِذا دُعيتُ إِلى الطَعانِ

18. And that death is submissive to my hand when
My fingers reach the Indian sword

١٨. وَأَنَّ المَوتَ طَوعُ يَدي إِذا ما
وَصَلتُ بَنانَها بِالهِندُواني

19. And excellent are the horsemen of my ferocious people
When they hang the swords from the waistbands

١٩. وَنِعمَ فَوارِسُ الهَيجاءِ قَومي
إِذا عَلِقوا الأَعِنَّةَ بِالبَنانِ

20. They killed Liqit and Ibn Hujr
And they felled Hajib and the two sons of Aban

٢٠. هُمُ قَتَلوا لَقيطاً وَاِبنَ حُجرٍ
وَأَردَوا حاجِباً وَاِبني أَبانِ